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4000-415-Caldwell, Brett and Valerie

Serving to make Christ known among the unreached in Southeast Asia.

We both graduated from Texas A&M University, and it was there that God was individually growing our hearts for overseas missions among unreached people groups. Valerie was appointed with WorldVenture in 2020 and was preparing to go overseas single, but God had other plans in mind for the next couple of years of her life. Along the way, we got married in August of 2023 and felt unified in our call to marriage as well as our call to the mission field. We took a vision trip together to Southeast Asia last October.

Brett was appointed in February, and we have been working towards moving overseas ever since. We are excited to join a team that is working among unreached people groups to share the Gospel in some of the hardest to reach places. Our vision is to see local believers be raised up and see churches planted where they do not currently exist. We long to see people from every nation, tribe, people, and language in this part of Southeast Asia worship our God! We would love to extend the invitation to you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in sharing the Gospel where Christ is not yet known.

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Asia, Global
