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4000-543-Slebodnik, Jesse & Kylee

We were appointed by WorldVenture in 2024 as global workers to Europe and the Middle East. Today, we are preparing to share the Gospel with unreached Muslims in Europe. We want to offer practical help and everyday friendship to create meaningful relationships where the gospel can be shared. We want to baptize new believers, teach them the words and ways of the Lord, and gather them into healthy churches so they can experience what it is to be loved by Jesus and can fulfill the Great Commission to their own people. We are discerning the most effective way for us to do this. One step at a time.

How We Got Here:

In 2023, God used an earthquake in Asia to grip our hearts for people who are suffering without access to the hope of Christ and for Muslims who are trying to have a relationship with God but only know Islam.

When the news of the tragedy broke, I (Kylee) found myself praying, pleading with God, throughout the next several days and nights for the people in this region. Weeks after the global news coverage stopped, this burden remained. (It remains to this day.) I was deeply troubled by the reality that people are suffering and dying without access to the hope of Christ. For many, it’s not that they have rejected the Gospel; they have never had the chance to hear it. One day, as I sat at our kitchen table and shared with Jesse my desires for Muslims in Asia, he asked, “Could God be wanting us to go?”

This question sparked many months of emotional discernment. Jesse and I considered what God was saying to us individually (Acts 16:6-10). We considered what kingdom burdens we each have and what journeys God has brought us through (Psalm 51:12-13). We asked our community and church leadership to speak into our situation (Acts 15:28). We considered our realistic abilities and anchors. We wrestled through the implications of this decision. One morning, Jesse was startled awake by a dream involving a Muslim pleading for help. Shaken, he asked God to confirm if he wanted us to respond to the needs of the local church and unreached people overseas. That night, there was an unexpected visitor to Jesse’s late-night seminary class—It was a former missionary from the very place we were discerning.

This mighty coincidence woke us up to a journey that we now understand God had really started years before. Eventually, we took a vision trip to Asia and spent time with different workers in several cities. This experience clarified that our hearts are not exclusively tender towards any one nationality, but towards Muslims more broadly. It also challenged us not to assume that we know our role in God’s mission but to hold what (and where!) we think God is calling us to with open hands, ready and willing to receive whatever the Lord wants. Today, we are preparing to share the Gospel with Muslims in a place that our family can be well in long-term that does not already have a significant Christian witness.

The Holy Spirit is out in front leading the way. That we are caught up in this great work of the Spirit to reach the nations with the Gospel, this alone is incredible.

Learn more about their journey here.

Europe MENA, Global
