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4000-652-Schaaf, Mark and Kathy

Mark and Kathy have been serving with WorldVenture since 1991. Their journey began with 13 years in the Middle East, spent doing evangelism and discipleship, followed by 9 years in South Africa, planting a local church and providing pastoral training. Currently based in Atlanta, GA, Mark still travels extensively—with over 70 countries stamped in his passport—doing teacher training and leadership development around the globe.

Vision & Approach
“Being a catalyst for gospel movements through equipping, training, and coaching”—that’s Mark’s vision, which is brought to life via collaboration and partnership.

As Walk Thru the Bible’s International Training Director, he partners with national ministries and training groups. He dedicates most of his efforts to supporting restricted-access and under-resourced pastors in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia.

His approach is three-fold:

● EQUIPPING: Providing leaders with the necessary tools and resources.
● TRAINING: Building national teams of teachers and trainers who can adapt materials to their contexts.
● COACHING: Facilitating personal and professional growth in national leaders, focusing on spiritual formation, skill-building, and strategic thinking.

“As I’ve grown in my teaching experience, I have the greatest impact by not just teaching students or even training teachers, but by training trainers who train teachers. This gives exponential growth.” —Mark

God’s Story & Ours
Mark’s strengths lie in his ability to learn, understand cultural contexts, and identify connections. This expertise, combined with his doctorate in Biblical Archeology, gives him unique insight to integrate Biblical cultures and backgrounds into his teaching.

A central theme in his work is what he likes to call “God’s Grand Story”—the interconnected narrative of God’s interaction with humanity throughout history. He loves to see people “Step into the Story” and understand their own story, deepening their appreciation of God’s work in their past, his presence with them today, and his faithfulness to be with them in the future.

Learning & Experience
“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information” (attributed to Albert Einstein)

Although he has lectured in a number of colleges and seminaries, Mark’s main focus is the under-resourced pastors and church leaders who do not have the opportunity for formal education. He emphasizes experiential learning and storying instead of formal lectures. This opens many doors among non-literate and oral-preference learners and communities, which comprise about 70% of the world population.

He uses his professional coaching skills, honed through the International Coaching Federation, to further equip and disciple leaders. He also leads study tours through the Biblical Lands, helping people step into God’s Grand Story.

Care and Compassion, at Home and Abroad
Kathy is a nurse practitioner who specializes in mental health. She is using her skills to help people in need through her private practice, Life Change Psychiatry. With a special focus on the underserved, she serves both uninsured patients in Georgia and the global mission community.

Kathy’s unique background enables her to understand the profound challenges and traumas life can bring. From discipling desert Bedouins to planting churches in HIV-positive communities—from raising three children overseas in different cultures to going through several military conflicts and political strife, Kathy’s experiences have instilled in her a deep compassion for those facing adversity. She has also served the homeless through street medicine programs and countless refugees and missionaries.

United States, Americas
