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With all the news about Ukraine and Russia, here’s something positive you won’t hear about on the major networks. WorldVenture’s worship ministry providing praise and worship songs to the Russian-speaking world, known as RussiaWorship, has an inspiring update. Gerry and four of his RW staff held some songwriting sessions via Zoom. And the creative effort is bearing fruit.

“The purpose of these sessions was to write a song that will connect with people’s current emotions and point them to God’s love, hope and peace,” shares Gerry.

An exciting development for English-speaking fans of worship music is some creative input from Tommy Walker, well-known worship pastor and songwriter who penned classic worship songs like ‘He Knows My Name,’ ‘That’s Why We Praise Him,’ and ‘He’s Turned My Mourning Into Dancing Again,’ among others.

Gerry notes that “when the song was halfway done, the team consulted with Tommy Walker, who was able to give an idea for the melodic structure of the chorus. The song is almost finished.”

The first words from the bridge capture the theme of the song:

‘God, if I can’t forgive, you be forgiveness in me.
God, if I can’t love, you be love in me.’

“Our prayer is that this song will be a blessing to Russians, Ukrainians, and everyone,” says Gerry.

The team plans to record a video for the song very soon. It costs $1500 to pay for video operators and for studio time. If you’d like to donate to the effort, please visit


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