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4000-445-Austin Kauffman

Reaching The Youth in Austria

While completing an undergraduate degree in engineering, God shifted my desire from working as an engineer to a passion for serving Him cross-culturally. Shortly after graduating, I moved to Accra, Ghana to support International Justice Mission in the fight against human trafficking and slavery of children on Lake Volta. God continued to develop this passion for serving Him, but the focus shifted from care ministry to discipleship of youth. I began volunteering with the student ministry in a local Ghanian church. As this desire to disciple students grew, the Lord led me back to the United States to pursue formal education in Theology. I will complete my M.A. in Theology in the summer of 2022. While I had always envisioned returning to Africa, God opened my eyes and broke my heart for the desperate need of youth leaders in Austria.

Through partnership with the Bund Evangelikaler Gemeindeni in Österreich (BEG or Association of Evangelical Churches), my ministry focus is reaching youth amongst German speakers in Austria. After thoughtfully reflecting on the conversations with various church leaders in Austria, it became evident that the current youth leaders are not equipped to lead the ministries. Many youth leaders lack the basic biblical training and foundations to effectively disciple the youth. The elders of the church see leading youth ministry as the only option for discipleship and leadership opportunities for younger people, so it is passed to them without proper preparation and mentorship. My goal is to assist in the leadership development of the current and future leaders of youth ministry, while supporting local churches in discipling and reaching the youth.

Prayer Requests:
• That the church in Austria will grow not only in numbers but in the depth of their relationship with Christ.
• For the discipleship and mentorship of the current ministry leaders in Austria that they would be well equipped to reach the youth.
• That the youth’s eyes will be opened to their desperate need for the Lord.
• That I would find rest in the Lord in the midst of the busy and that I would continue to draw near to Him as the source of my strength.

Articles/Videos Posted by Austria Field Leaders (Nate and Bethany Johnson):
The Needs in Austria
Why Austria Needs More Missionaries
9 Misconceptions About Being a Missionary in Europe

Austria, Europe MENA
