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4000-938-Riggins, James and Brittany

On March 7, 2009, God redeemed James’ heart. Shortly after, at 16, he was given the excellent opportunity to serve cross-culturally and hasn’t turned back since! After graduating from Emmaus Bible College with a degree in Theology and Intercultural Studies, James moved back to Houston to raise support to move to The Philippines full time.

Around the same time, Brittany moved to Houston to share the Gospel with UPGs by moving into a Muslim community. She was saved young and has been sharing the Gospel among internationals since 2010. God Brought us together to glorify him in marriage and share Him with all He puts in our path.

Team Riggins hopes to share the Gospel with the lost and unreached by partnering with local Filipino churches. Several Filipinos are eager to get out on the mission field. Still, they lack the training to have thriving ministries in predominately unreached countries. Therefore, they want to provide the knowledge and skills required through training and opportunities for Filipinos and Americans to develop the skills needed to reach and disciple the unreached.

In Houston, they have been working with unreached people groups and churches to do this very thing. We start by exposing Christians to the cultures and religions of UPGs so that they get a grasp of the worldview to which they minister. Next, they provide training on different ways to share the Gospel and provide discipleship. Lastly, they go out into the communities of different UPGs and model Gospel sharing, providing them opportunities to practice what is being preached. Team Riggins desires to contextualize this model in the Philippines to equip the believers there to go out and plant churches worldwide!

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