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4000-056-Boese, Glenn and Linn

Focusing on the Nyarafolo, a least-evangelized people group in northern Côte d’Ivoire, using church development, Bible translation and compassion ministries.

Glenn has turned over his directorship of the Baptist Hospital laboratory to the trained nationals, and functions as a consultant both to them and to the hospital administration. In particular, he is doing financial programming that will enable the hospital to keep track of data while conforming also to the French accounting system.
He is also field treasurer and part of the leadership team, and manages the business end of the Nyarafolo Translation Project.

Linn directs and is Hebrew exegete for the Nyarafolo Translation Project. She and Moise Kone are translating the Pentateuch and Psalms. Genesis and portions of these books are already printed. Abdoulaye Ouattara is the New Testament translator and is just finishing the Gospels and Acts. The team plans to finish their work by 2018. Meanwhile they are also beginning audio-recordings of the Scriptures.

The Nyarafolo Outreach Group meets in the Boese courtyard for worship and to create songs in Nyarafolo musical forms. Glenn and Linn partner with them in evangelism and training, including the annual Nyarafolo Bible Conference that unites the scattered believers.

Formerly resistant, Nyarafolos are now coming to Christ in increasing numbers. Glenn and Linn planted a church in the village of Tiepogovogo, and in February 2011 saw the young pastor they have mentored become the first Nyarafolo to be ordained. Another “son” of Tiepogovogo has been sent by his home church to plant a church in Lafokpokaha; in two years they have grown to 18 believers. Glenn mentors these pastors and is helping them find creative ways for the churches (whose members are subsistence farmers) to financially support them.

Relationship building and counseling fill many hours. Glenn and Linn have helped needy youth and a group of widows start small businesses, and manage a compassion fund that helps with medical and educational needs as well.

Strong animist traditions, sometimes overlaid with Islam or Catholicism, are prevalent. Villagers are farmers; townspeople find work as they can. About 0.6% are believers, often persecuted. Pray that Nyarafolos will let go of their bondage to animistic worship and trust Jesus, and for laborers to disciple the new believers. Pray for peace.

Blogs and Articles on
* Move Over, WorldVenture
* Why Does Bible Translation take So Long?
* Breaking Down Babel
* The Impact of Jim Gould’s Death

Cote d'Ivoire, Africa
