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4000-354-Kendall, Nathan and Becky

The three values that the Kendalls desire to exemplify are…
– glorifying God,
– growing everything around them
– and enjoying the life God provides.

Living out these values in the context of Senegal is the desire to see Christ’s Kingdom reign in and over all things, growing people and the world around them to reflect Christ’s glory, and choosing to embrace the life God lays before them.

Dakar, Senegal is a peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean as the furthest west point of the African land mass. In this city of around 3.5 million people are a mix of the historic Wolof people along with their Serer neighbors and many newcomers. Dakar reflects its historic role as the university town for Francophone Africa and host many from other countries, including an estimated 30,000 Lebanese according to Lebanon’s embassy. Many of these Lebanese have lived in Dakar for multiple generations and add to life here, including fantastic restaurants.

WorldVenture is related to a consortium of primarily rural Serer churches. Imagine growing up in a place where the first Christians only came to faith 40 years ago, did not have the Bible in their language at that time, and many were illiterate. This is part of the context that WorldVenture is working to train church leaders in – both men and women – to create a biblical literacy and a deepening of Christian thought and praxis.

As a mission that has been officially in Senegal since 1963, WorldVenture has played a key role in building tools that serve the larger missionary effort. A first example is Dakar Academy (now known as ISWA – International Schools of West Africa). This school serves over 500 students from more than 50 nations ( A second example is the Ngaparou beach camp that provides a beautiful and affordable space for church groups from around the region to more effectively impact their people.

Our team is excited about welcoming more people of godly character who want to grow in their service to Christ and use their gifts in Senegal. Come and join the fun!

Blogs and Articles on WorldVenture:
A Pentecost Celebration in Senegal
Philip’s Letter To Bethsaida
God’s Unusual Intervention In The Book Of Jonah
How Ebola Affected Missionary Family’s Team in Guinea

Publications by WorldVenture:
* A Gift of Hope, Day 4
* Cultivating a Joyful Heart, Day 2

Resources by WorldVenture

Senegal, Africa
