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RussiaWorship, a Russian-registered, non-profit organization, is an international partnership with Russians and ex-patriots from various churches, denominations and mission organizations. It is focused on assisting leaders and musicians in Russian-speaking churches in creating an atmosphere that enables people to worship God in spirit and truth. Funds from this project will be used for initial start-up [...]
Hallelujah Gospel Family Choir
Black Gospel Music has been popular in Japan for many years now. Non-Christians participate in choirs to sing this music that touches a part of their soul and brings them great joy. Christians have seen this response to Black Gospel Music as a wonderful opportunity to reach the hearts of these non-Christians with the gospel [...]
180 Degrees
The 180 Degrees music team consists of youth ages 13-21 who make a two-year covenant to participate in this ministry. The group travels around the country presenting the gospel to youth through music and drama. The ultimate goal is for Filipino youth to become the next wave of cross-cultural workers throughout Asia. [...]