A Gathering of Global Workers at WorldVenture Headquarters

We invite you to join us from July 17 to 20 to worship and pray together with our Global Workers and staff who are coming together for trainings. We will be live streaming our public Global Workers via our social media channels and on our website.
For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “ ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’ ” – Acts 13:47

John Craft
John has served in five churches over 30 years. He has ministered to students and adults in small-town and big-city settings in churches that have ranged from 150 to 2500, serving several Rocky Mountain Church Network churches along the way. John is passionate about helping churches make disciples by connecting with their communities and impacting the next generation. He has served on the board of Rocky Mountain Church Network (RMCN) and has participated in church assessments, leadership development, and pastoral coaching in that role. John spends most of his free time reading, drinking coffee, and riding his bicycle as far as he can. John is married to Lori, his wife of 30 years and they have two sons: Jackson, who lives with his wife, Peyton, in Colorado Springs and Cameron, who lives in Laramie, WY.
Learn more about the Rocky Mountain Church Network.

Steve and Sandi Padilla
Steve and Sandi Padilla are well-known worship leaders, songwriters, and multi-instrumentalists from Sacramento, CA and they’ve been sharing their brand of music for over two decades. Having partnered with #1 Christian recording artist Lincoln Brewster (Integrity Music), their talent has inspired thousands of worshipers at events like the National Worship Leaders Conference, Creation Festival, Spirit West Coast, Break Forth Canada, Lifelight Festival, and CMS. Whether leading worship for church services or teaching at Christian music conferences, the Padilla’s dynamic, positive approach has left people both equipped and encouraged. Steve and Sandi have developed a unique ministry and sound and have now taken that calling on the road with a new CD and a new look on life.
The Schedule
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
- Worship: Steve and Sandi Padilla
- Message: John Croft on 2 Samuel 9
- Global Workers:
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
- Worship: Steve and Sandi Padilla
- Message: John Croft on Psalm 23:5
- Jeff Denlinger, President of WorldVenture
- Global Workers:
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
View the recorded version here.
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
- Worship: Steve and Sandi Padilla
- Message: John Croft on Luke 7:36-50
- Soraya Marin, VP of Operations
- Global Workers:
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
View the recorded version here.
- Mark Harris, VP of Operations
- Worship: Steve and Sandi Padilla
- Jeff and Mark Hanke, Appointee Commissioning
- Message: John Croft on Luke 14:15-24
- Global Workers:
- Mark Harris, VP of Partner Ministries
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