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Pastor Development and Informal Theological Education

Come be a light for Christ in Central Asia. Work in your area of certification/training and also come alongside pastors to encourage and train them. Engage in building community and relationships. [...]

Pastor to Pastors

Use your personal experience & spiritual gifting to be an encourager to over 50 pastors & church planters in the village setting of West Kalimantan (Borneo). [...]

Teacher/Discipler of Church Leaders

Rwanda has many churches. Nearly all of them are pastored by Rwandese. But 80% of them have no Bible training at all. The church is in desperate need of discipleship at all levels. You would be joining a team of missionaries and nationals who are committed to deepening the spiritual depth of the church in [...]

Leadership Trainer

Over the last 20 years almost 2000 Baptist Churches have started. Many churches are led by pastors with minimal theological training. Pastoral Training was identified as a huge need by both missionaries and Uganda church leaders. Your opportunity is to come join the Pastoral training team and train Ugandan church leaders through mentoring, discipleship, and [...]

Leadership Trainer Facilitator / Assistant

Over the last 20 years almost 2000 Baptist Churches have started. Many churches are led by pastors with minimal theological training. Pastoral Training was identified as a huge need by both missionaries and Uganda church leaders. Your opportunity is to come join the Pastoral training team and facilitate Ugandans who are training other Ugandan church [...]