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Church Planting Strategist

As a Church Planting Strategist, you will see the big picture for the work and seek to become a catalyst in the core missionary task (entry, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership development, and exit) among the majority religion people groups. You will build a team and partner closely with other ex-pat workers, national church planters [...]

Missions Discovery/Pastoral

Note: This position will be available again beginning late 2026/early 2027. There are great needs in the neighborhoods we serve. This is a great place to experience a diverse community and to join in on what God is doing through His church. Those desiring to explore how God might call them to serve global and [...]

Ministry Intern: Cafe Worker/Language Student/Relational Evangelism

This opportunity will be available again beginning in late 2026/early 2027. Serve God in a café setting in France. Participate in ministry in the context of a Café within a Community Center that is reaching out to recent refugee arrivals and settled migrants in a multicultural neighborhood. You will be able to practice French, rub [...]

Church Planter

Join a team of fellow-laborers to establish a network of churches in or near a growing urban area. [...]

Church Planters

Come and be a part of the church planting team reaching the least reached in Ecuador. Partner with Ecuadorian church planters as well as other missionaries. [...]

DMM Coordinator

To be a pioneering force in the establishment of Christ's Church in Indonesia by helping oversee a part of a church planting movement that is growing in this expansive country. [...]

Team Church Planting

Work alongside a Filipino church planter in starting a new church in a strategic locations in the Philippines. This may be pioneering work in a new location, tribal church planting, planting a daughter church of an existing church, or starting a house church. It also may be helping a small existing church still in need [...]

Vision Trip to Rwanda

Explore long-term ministry through visiting, asking questions, praying and learning about ministry. [...]

Church Planter / Leadership Mentor

A group of believers is led by lay pastor and the surrounding villages need evangelism and leadership training. [...]

Church Planter/Evangelist

Work as part of a team in establishing a church in a rural setting in the West of Ireland. [...]

Vision Trip

The vision trip is arranged for individuals or groups and is designed for those seriously considering a long-term overseas work among people where Islam is the predominant religion after having finished college or seminary education. The trip will expose participants to life in Turkey, various ministries among the people, and a bit of the land's [...]

Pastor / Shepherd / Discipler / Church Developer

To assist the Austria team in developing Austrian-led New Testament churches. Austria Opportunities Video. [...]

Evangelist / Church Planter

To assist the Austria team in evangelism and church planting with the goal of establishing Austrian-led churches. Austria Opportunities Video. [...]

Vision Trip to Restoration Ministries

Come experience firsthand the ministry of Restoration Ministries in the slums and poor areas of Sao Paulo, Brazil. [...]