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Counselor with At-Risk Children and Youth

Provide counseling to at-risk children and youth, ministering to the whole person (spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and mental) in Metro Cebu, Philippines. [...]

Outreach to Indians Living in the Philippines

Disciple-making and church planting among Indians in the Philippines. Since the partition of India in 1947, there have been many Punjabis, Sindhis, and Sikhs living in the Philippines. For the most part, they have been ignored by evangelical missionaries and the Philippine church. In recent years, many thousands of university students from India have been [...]

Short-Term Teams

Church Partnership Evangelism, CPE, is a long term evangelistic and discipleship model that is executed by short term mission teams from the U. S. partnered with Philippine churches. The short term component of this model is intentional and relational and enables members of local churches to effectively evangelize family, friends and co-workers. The long term [...]

Student Teaching Overseas

Gain practical job experience and fulfill your degree requirements by completing your student teaching at an MK/International school. Available in multiple countries. [...]

Team Church Planting

Work alongside a Filipino church planter in starting a new church in a strategic locations in the Philippines. This may be pioneering work in a new location, tribal church planting, planting a daughter church of an existing church, or starting a house church. It also may be helping a small existing church still in need [...]

Micro Finance Project Coordinator

Provide overall leadership and supervision to the development and implementation of micro finance projects among Filipinos. [...]

MK / International School Faculty & Staff

Join the Faith Academy staff as they endeavor to provide each of their students with a dynamic, relevant education. [...]

Seminary Teacher

Professors are needed at several seminaries, in various parts of the Philippines, such as International Graduate School of Leadership and Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, Asian Theological Seminary’s branch in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, and its Pastoral Advancement Program based out of Bacolod, and Koinonia Theological Seminary in Davao City, Mindanao. The Philippines has many [...]