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4000-580-Persson, Peter and Celeste

4000-580-Persson, Peter and Celeste

After having served in Austria (primarily in the area of church development, field leadership, as well as in regional leadership in Eastern Europe for almost 36 years), Peter and Celeste returned to the States in 2019. Peter became Director of Global Prayer Initiatives in January 2020 and Celeste became a volunteer Alumni Liaison, providing member care for former WorldVenture global workers. Peter’s prayer journey gained a focused dimension in the early 1990s when a colleague and he were having a discussion about finishing their ministries well. They both had been reading the same book on leadership. The book inspired his…
December 17, 2024
4000-245-Roth, Emily

4000-245-Roth, Emily

Emily Roth serves in media ministry throughout Greater Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. WorldVenture has over 150 global workers serving God throughout the region of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Each of these workers has witnessed amazing stories of answered prayers, the transformational power of the Holy Spirit, God's great grace, and more. Unfortunately, many of these stories never reach the North American Church. Emily Roth's passion and calling is to use multimedia to share powerful God-stories that encourage believers serving at home and strengthen their connection with God's global work. Emily has specialized as a…
July 23, 2023
4000-146-Marin, Soraya

4000-146-Marin, Soraya

Once considered a Catholic country, Spain is stretched between the tyranny of tradition and the seduction of secularism. According to the World Factbook of the CIA, 70.2% of the Spanish are Roman Catholic. The majority of these were born and raised as Catholics, yet few know a personal relationship with Christ. The Spanish Church has a desperate need for leaders who will spread the gospel and the love of Christ. Soraya Marin has a passion for women's ministry and Christian leadership development. She serves as chaplain and assistant dean of IBSTE, a Bible institute and seminary based in Barcelona. While…
July 23, 2023
4000-650-Scofield, Tammy

4000-650-Scofield, Tammy

My Primary Ministry Focus is working with missionary families in Europe with the education needs of their children. Pray for wisdom in advising missionary families in their major decisions regarding their children! About me: “This is why I came to Europe,” said Tammy Scofield during the annual SHARE Education Services Family Retreat in Budapest, Hungary. Hanging out with missionary children, (MKs), teaching a speech unit and meeting their parents was an incredible gift for Tammy. It has been a time of learning and meeting missionaries for Tammy. The question of “How can I best help the missionaries stay on the…
July 23, 2023


J and K will be doing the work set before them through training in medicine, both in the urban and rural setting of their Asian context. Please join them as they seek to meet the 360 degree needs of those their hearts have bonded with.
February 17, 2022
4000-465-Brian and Melanie Stark

4000-465-Brian and Melanie Stark

We are passionate about seeing workers thrive, not merely survive on the field, and will be developing, coaching and training global workers for long-term Gospel impact! Specifically, we will be coaching and mentoring more than 50 workers who will be serving in their first-term on the field in the Asia-Pacific Region, as well as leading and overseeing WorldVenture’s short-term initiatives globally. While we both began following Jesus at a young age, our journeys were quite different. Brian’s strong supportive home and input from mentors in his teens gave him a strong footing. After leading a child to Jesus one summer…
November 2, 2021
4000-466-Pietrantonio, Adam and Sabrina

4000-466-Pietrantonio, Adam and Sabrina

Sabrina grew up in the Greater Los Angeles area. The first time she visited Japan she was eight years old and visited family friends who were missionaries serving there. She felt called to Japan as a career missionary herself when she was a university student. She served there from 2016 to 2020: the first half of her term was spent in Japanese language school in Tokyo, and the second half was spent serving in Japanese churches in Kumamoto and Ibaraki Prefectures. Adam was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. He decided to follow Christ in 2011 during his third year…
November 2, 2021


After over 30 years working in the Philippines, I transitioned to be part of the WorldVenture-Americas Team in March, 2020. Part of my role includes reaching out to internationals and refugees to help them with a heart-felt need–-learning English. As internationals living in another country, transitions and acculturation can feel overwhelming, especially if communication is challenging. ESL (English as a Second Language) online gives the opportunity to build bridges of friendship in which I can share God’s love with them. Not only do we pray that they will feel more comfortable and adjusted here in the USA, but that they…
October 26, 2021
4000-411-Paul & Lizzie Reed

4000-411-Paul & Lizzie Reed

Over the past 10 years, we have been blessed to work with youth and college students around the world, but primarily in Eastern Europe, the USA, and the UK. Our vision is to bring glory to God by teaching and discipling youth. We are passionate about seeing people experience transformed lives in Christ, and then watching them glorify God as they impact the lives of those around them. Most recently we have been pursuing this vision by serving as teachers at an international Christian school. Paul was a Bible teacher there and interim chaplain, and Lizzie an ELL specialist and…
November 30, 2020
4000-212-Worker Name Withheld

4000-212-Worker Name Withheld

Teaching English through a language center and working with street children will allow me to build relationships where I can share the hope and love of Jesus with those whom the Father calls. Through these relationships, we seek to begin Discovery Bible Studies, which in turn have the potential to begin a Disciple-Making Movement among the unreached and unengaged people groups in the area. There are at least ten tribes that we are targeting to see a gospel movement. The major challenge is overcoming the false teachings of the dominant religion, which is mixed with animistic beliefs.
November 30, 2020
4000-269-The Benaissa Family

4000-269-The Benaissa Family

The Benaissa family is a couple with a very diverse background including origins in both the United States, Asia and North Africa. Our paths crossed nearly ten years ago while we were both serving North Africans living in Spain. Currently based in the United States, we serve Arabic speaking immigrants and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Articles and Blogs on WorldVenture: - On Fasting and Ramadan
November 30, 2020
4000-942-Worker Name Withheld

4000-942-Worker Name Withheld

Articles and Blogs on WorldVenture: - A Taxing Thought - God's Timeline To Freedom - Afghanistan: Being Certain Of The Things We Cannot See - Plans Made, Plans Change, Molding Into God's Plan - Afghanistan: The Wait Becomes Weighty - Fuzzy Evacuation - The Long Wait Begins - A Women's Rights Activist Endangered and Left Behind
November 30, 2020
4000-118-Worker Name Withheld

4000-118-Worker Name Withheld

Serving the church in the US through pastoral leadership and mission mobilization. Finishing organizational leadership doctoral work with a focus on global, groups, and theological perspectives with the goal of providing leadership consulting to WV global fields.
November 30, 2020
4000-555-Pardue, Frank & Rosa

4000-555-Pardue, Frank & Rosa

Serving in leadership training in the Philippines - Located on the edge of the 10/40 Window, the Philippines is a strategic hub for leadership development and church planting throughout Asia. The need for more Asian leaders is unprecedented and the Philippines is poised to help. It has a strong evangelical church, a growing missionary vision, and the privilege of open theological training. We feel God has uniquely prepared us to help groom these men and women for the task. For most of our time in the Philippines, our primary ministry was church planting, helping start two churches in Davao City,…
November 30, 2020
4000-620-Ralston, Brent and Christine

4000-620-Ralston, Brent and Christine

Central Ministry Focus: To be a catalyst in establishing healthy and reproducing churches resulting in transformed lives and communities. God is calling us to return to the Visayas region of the Philippines to continue the disciple making and church planting work we started 32 years ago. About us: We both grew up as missionary kids of WorldVenture missionaries; I, in Pakistan and Christine, in the Philippines. I initially came to the Philippines as a short-term missionary from 1983-85 following Bible college and sensed the Lord's call to return on a full-time basis. Chris had felt the Lord's call to be…
November 30, 2020
4000-127-Worker Name Withheld

4000-127-Worker Name Withheld

We prayerfully desire to plant a Hindi-speaking church in Asia with a focus on evangelism, discipleship, and solid biblical teaching. Although there are relatively quite a few ministries operating in the city, very few are focused on the masses of people moving from where Hindi is primarily spoken. As a means of entrance to the community, we will start a Christian school offering quality education based on Christian principles. This school will serve as a transformational presence in the community, aiding in establishing relationships with families through which the Gospel can be shared in a meaningful and relevant manner. We…
November 30, 2020
4000-235-Gleason, Randy and Cathy

4000-235-Gleason, Randy and Cathy

Randall and Cathy Gleason's mission is to glorify God through making disciples with a Biblical worldview guided by Scripture, empowered by the Spirit and passionate to promote the supremacy of Christ among all peoples. They have sought to achieve this mission for the past 20 years by encouraging pastors, missionaries and church planters through theological training in godly character, academic excellence and ministry skills. Randall and Cathy's new Vision for South Asia! With their task completed in the Philippines, the Gleason's vision has now shifted to South Asia (or "Indian subcontinent”), which has the largest concentration of the least-reached people…
October 6, 2020
4000-110-Chinn, Lloyd and Jan

4000-110-Chinn, Lloyd and Jan

Leading international workers toward strategic gospel engagement across Africa and developing the leadership skills of the international workers we serve. We serve as International Ministries Director (IMD) for Africa. Our responsibility is in three areas: strategic planning, leadership development and organizational leadership. As IMD, some of what we are responsible for: providing pastoral care, leadership and supervision for international workers in Africa; assuring that WorldVenture personnel in Africa are being cared for and challenged toward ongoing personal and professional development; addressing personnel and field crises in Africa; and calling and leading international workers in Africa to spiritual, relational, and organizational…
October 6, 2020
4000-396-Love, David and Catherine

4000-396-Love, David and Catherine

We are passionate about mobilizing people for the harvest through short-term trips, internships, coaching and mentoring. I (Catherine) grew up in Cottage Grove, Oregon, where my father pastored a small church. I came to believe in Christ at age 4. My interest in people of other cultures was sparked both by the missionaries who passed through my church, and by my paternal grandparents, God-fearing immigrants from Armenia. Born the last of five sons, my (David) faith took root while attending church with my family during my formative years. But when I was 12, my father, a good natured and hard-working…
October 6, 2020
4000-046-Larson, Brian and Cassie

4000-046-Larson, Brian and Cassie

Serving in missionary member care as a pastoral counselor. We seek to prepare missionaries to live and serve cross-culturally, sustain and support them during their life and ministry rhythms, and restore when difficulty or crisis hits. On The Website: * Building Your Self-Care Toolbox WorldVenture Publications: * Christmas Perseverance and Determination, Day 3
October 6, 2020
4000-704-Thorp, Jim and Corinne

4000-704-Thorp, Jim and Corinne

Global Specialists Preparing WorldVenture missionaries to make the transition to their next ministry phase (sometimes called retirement) and encouraging mission organizations to better honor the workers who served the cause of Christ in their organizations. Pray that God would give them the ability to plan the Emeritus event with WorldVenture workers each July to provide resources to prepare them for retirement. Pray for their role to facilitate the work of the Alliance for Missionary Seniors which has a vision to better honor the workers who served under the various mission organizations. About us: Jim and Corinne served as missionaries in…
September 24, 2020
4000-243-Lacey, Shereen

4000-243-Lacey, Shereen

Hello! We are from the USA where we have raised our four children. He worked as a registered pharmacist and she taught and homeschooled our children through high school. God led our family to serve in a cross-cultural ministry for 11 years in the USA. Then in 2014 through trips to Africa, Europe, and Asia, the Lord showed us that He has called us to Asia to be a light in the darkness. God has showed us how our experiences, our gifting, passion, and education, could be used for His glory in another context. We want to think those that…
September 11, 2020
4000-232-Gill, Sam and Connie

4000-232-Gill, Sam and Connie

After retiring from WorldVenture Sam intends to focus primarily on coaching and mentoring new and emerging leaders, both locally and via the internet overseas. He is open to mentor new mission candidates headed overseas. After living in Brasil for 43 years Sam and Connie Gill realize that they learned as much from the culture as they taught. The three foundational principles learned were: Ministry is primarily relational; Ministry grows out of on-going relationships; and Ministry flows best when it is interdependent (not dependent or independent). From 1971 until 1997 Sam and Connie served under BBFI. For the first dozen years…
September 2, 2020
4000-711-Thompson, RS

4000-711-Thompson, RS

Mentoring and Equipping the Global Church to Reached the Least Reached While attending Bible college in the Boston area, God used a spiritual conversation with a Moroccan gas station attendant to burden Ralph’s heart for Muslims. Because of this gentleman’s passion to convert Ralph to Islam, and because of his polemic arguments that were difficult to answer, Ralph was driven to learn more about Islam and how he could reach his new friend. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, anger, fear, and mistrust of Muslims grew across the U.S. and the world. This only deepened Ralph’s burden for…
September 2, 2020
4000-132-CJ & Mary Mihalko

4000-132-CJ & Mary Mihalko

Incarnational Work Among Refugees, Immigrants, and other Displaced Peoples There are thousands of people who have immigrated to our region from very difficult places in the world. Many of these "outsiders" have never heard the good news of Jesus although their culture is steeped in religion. When they arrive, they are often ostracized by the locals because of their religion, country of origin or because they are stereotyped as extremists. We desire to show them the love of Jesus and set an example for the Church to follow in being the hands and feet of Jesus to their new neighbors.…
August 12, 2020
4000-369-Schulz, Rachael

4000-369-Schulz, Rachael

The mission God has placed on my heart is to create awareness of sex trafficking in Portland, Oregon (where I live). To educate, equip and empower the church and faith community to engage in this issue in order to protect youth and prevent this darkness from advancing. My heart is educating women and girls. Follow Me on Instagram!
February 27, 2020
4000-371-Swanson, Laura

4000-371-Swanson, Laura

About Laurie Laurie Swanson has long ties with WorldVenture. She grew up in Argentina as the daughter of missionaries and then worked with her husband, Bruce, in Portugal for 10 years. Bruce and Laurie's middle daughter Christie Stalcup is a WorldVenture worker in Thailand. Laurie is currently a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Denver area. She plans to use her medical experience to consult and come alongside teams on various WorldVenture fields. Her passion is to support and develop their health outreach, especially focusing on children's health.
February 12, 2020
4000-355-Jennifer Coon

4000-355-Jennifer Coon

Jennifer currently serve in Lebanon with the goal of using her skills as a physical therapist to holistically minister to Syrian refugees as part of a multi-disciplinary church partnership. Right now her main focus is learning Arabic. In her free time, she enjoys running along the Mediterranean and going hiking outside of the city. Connect with Jennifer on Instagram Articles and Blogs: * A Refugee Story: Jackline and Fouad * 2 Ways to Help Beirut * Chicago News Story on Jennifer
February 12, 2020
4000-331-Sandeno, Grace

4000-331-Sandeno, Grace

Anything related to public health. Potential solutions will look different for every issue in every community. My role is to research issues, look for resources and promising solutions, assist in project planning, solve problems during implementation and design project evaluations to measure success. My goal is to mentor communities toward healthier outcomes while helping staff build local relationships and community capacity. About Me: A short term mission trip in West Africa changed the course of my career path from medicine to public health. I have a master’s degree in public health and years of experience in state and local health…
February 12, 2020
4000-316-Brown, Bobby and Brianna

4000-316-Brown, Bobby and Brianna

We were appointed by WorldVenture in September 2018 as global workers to Taiwan. In August 2019, we moved to Taichung, Taiwan and served there until January 2021. The Lord surprised us with an unexpected transition back to the United States to care for our family. After transitioning back to the states, we were re-deployed to the Americas field to serve in diaspora ministry, focusing on refugee care. We now live on a farm about an hour outside of Atlanta serving displaced people throughout Northeast Georgia. People from all over the globe, many from unreached people groups, are being displaced from…
February 12, 2020
4000-211-Jeff and Meredith

4000-211-Jeff and Meredith

Our ministry vision is to see the Gospel flourish in Albania and take root among the Albanians in Macedonia. In order to pursue this vision, we are engaged in two distinct, but related ministries: 1) discipleship and evangelism in and through the local church in Albania, and 2) holistic discipleship in the marketplace in both Albania and Macedonia through a Christian development organization in the region. Our local church ministry We are investing ourselves in a local church in Tirana, the capital of Albania. This church was planted in 2015 and currently has about 25 members. We support the head…
February 12, 2020
6080-809-Livingston Adrienne

6080-809-Livingston Adrienne

Listen to my Justice Hope Freedom Podcast by Clicking Here Follow My Facebook Page by Clicking Here Follow Me on Instagram My goal is to help educate, equip, mobilize and connect churches, global workers, and individuals, (locally and globally) to existing organizations focused on combatting the sex trafficking issue in the following areas: Awareness, Education, Prevention, Rescue, Post care including trauma recovery and job training, Policy, and Ending the Demand. My podcast is an educational component of this ministry. The purpose of the Justice Hope Freedom podcast is to educate people about the issues of sex trafficking and exploitation and…
February 12, 2020
1100-886-Custer, Dougg and LeAnn

1100-886-Custer, Dougg and LeAnn

God used the mandatory missions class at Western Seminary in Portland, OR during Dougg’s last year to change the course of our lives from pastoring stateside to church planting in southern Austria. Although we initially desired to live overseas for only part of our ministry, God had other plans and forty years later, we still serve with WorldVenture. After spending thirty-five of those years in church planting and as the Global Directors for Europe and the Middle East, Dougg became the VP of Mobilization Ministries in 2014. His department handles everything from “first contact” to “wheels up”, which involves developing…
February 12, 2020