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4000-141-Davis, Ken and Luci

Executive Director of Edicoes Vida Nova (New Life Publishing). Our mission is to promote and publish God’s truth for the edification of His churches and their leaders. Vida Nova publishes with a ministry vision committed to the inerrancy of Scriptures, the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Christ for salvation. Pray that church leaders [...]

4000-011-El Youssi, Ab and Habiba

We share the Gospel with a radio ministry that reaches Muslims wherever they live and a community center for North African immigrants. [...]

4000-268-Hedlund, Roger and June

Officially retired, living stateside, engaged in ongoing writing, editing, publication projects in India through the Mylapore Institute. At present I continue as Managing Editor of DHARMA DEEPIKA, A South Asian Journal of Missiological Research. Two issues per year, 100 pages each, focusing on various contextual themes. I also served as Chief Editor of the OXFORD [...]