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4000-279-Worker Name Withheld

Laboring for Disciple Making Movements in SE Asia [...]

4000-620-Ralston, Brent and Christine

Central Ministry Focus: To be a catalyst in establishing healthy and reproducing churches resulting in transformed lives and communities. God is calling us to return to the Visayas region of the Philippines to continue the disciple making and church planting work we started 32 years ago. About us: We both grew up as missionary kids [...]

4000-770-John and Esther Waldrop

Church planting and leadership development. We work with international English-speakers who are students, educated professionals, and future church leaders. [...]

4000-182-Engel, Rocky and Sylvia

Working alongside Venezuelans, the Engels are taking advantage of the difficult situation in Venezuela to proclaim Christ in word and deed with the purpose of building His church in this country. Since September of 2017, they have been working in Caracas, in partnership with the Encuentro Con Dios Church, facilitating a five-prong ministry effort: * [...]

4000-064-Brown, Janet R.

Coordinating short-term missions in Japan. Subscribe to Janet Brown's Youtube Janet works with four main groups: 1. Japanese national churches 2. Missionaries in Japan 3. Short-term teams and individuals this includes internships and summer ministries for universities. 4. Sending churches, and universities Janet’s ministry is to place the Short Term Teams and Individuals with Japanese [...]

4000-806-Yodis, Eric and Beth

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! Helping church leadership in Ukraine form a vision and execute a strategy for a nationwide church planting movement. The Yodises partner with local church leadership to reach out to young men with leadership potential who have a thirst for God and a passion to see Him [...]

4000-350-Karch, Rob and Martine

Our passion is to see a wave of gospel-centered disciples making disciples wash over St Jérôme, Québec, and the French-speaking world… seeing thousands of people reconciled to the God of the universe, lives transformed, marriages healed, families reconciled, neighborhoods shaken, and the DNA of countries fundamentally changed. Rob was born in the birthplace of Grunge, [...]

4000-381-Laverman, Kevin and Kaori

Planting New Urban Churches in Southwest Greater Tokyo Both Kevin and Kaori grew up in Christian homes and accepted Jesus at a young age. But Kevin's home was in the suburbs of Chicago, while Kaori's was in the mountains of Yamagata, Japan. The two met in 1990 during Kevin's short- term missions work at Zao [...]

4000-354-Kendall, Nathan and Becky

The three values that the Kendalls desire to exemplify are... - glorifying God, - growing everything around them - and enjoying the life God provides. Living out these values in the context of Senegal is the desire to see Christ’s Kingdom reign in and over all things, growing people and the world around them to [...]

4000-237-Green, Mike and Agnieszka

The Greens minister to people who are in their late 20s to late 40s, most of whom are college educated. People outside of their church are usually Roman Catholic, in most cases only nominal in their faith. In Poland, Protestants tend to be viewed as part of a cult or sect, which creates a barrier [...]

4000-592-Post, Jason and Mandy

Post Family Prayer Letter: - Click Here for the Post Family 2024 Letter Ireland, once considered the center of the Christian world, now sits in darkness, shadowed by the same secular, post-modern cloud that shrouds the rest of Western Europe. Jason and Mandy Post are working to bring light to Galway, Ireland's third largest city [...]

4000-539-Owen, Barry and Peggy

Barry and Peggy Owen work alongside Taiwanese co-workers in evangelism, discipleship and church development in both urban and rural settings. Taiwan is a thoroughly modern country, in which most people enjoy a comfortable standard of living, and where education and health care are readily available. For many, materialism and postmodernism are barriers to accepting Christ, [...]

4000-391-Lin, David and Kathy

Ministering to the people of Taiwan through evangelism, discipleship and church planting. [...]

4000-390-Livie, Doug and Krista

Only 1% of the French population is evangelical Christian. Doug and Krista Livie serve a region of France where there are 1,500,000 people and 50 evangelical churches, or approximately one church per 30,000 people. In other areas of France, there is as few as one per 100,000 people. In partnership with the National Council of [...]

4000-019-Swenson, Greg and Asa

The Swensons on Facebook Japan, known as the “Land of the Rising Sun", while prosperous materially and technologically, is a nation steeped in spiritual darkness and despair, and remains largely unreached. Since our deployment to Japan in 2009, we have had the privilege of serving alongside both missionary colleagues as well as Japanese church leaders [...]

4000-031-Poth, Kirk and Sandlin

Starting high impacting, gospel-centric, New Testament churches through friendship development, discipleship, and leadership training -- Helping the church in Western Ireland to reach her full redemptive potential through church planting and disciple making! Pray for open doors and hearts in Ireland. A divided country and ongoing violence involving religious beliefs have taken a toll on [...]

4000-243-Lacey, Shereen

Hello! We are from the USA where we have raised our four children. He worked as a registered pharmacist and she taught and homeschooled our children through high school. God led our family to serve in a cross-cultural ministry for 11 years in the USA. Then in 2014 through trips to Africa, Europe, and Asia, [...]

4000-711-Thompson, RS

Mentoring and Equipping the Global Church to Reached the Least Reached While attending Bible college in the Boston area, God used a spiritual conversation with a Moroccan gas station attendant to burden Ralph’s heart for Muslims. Because of this gentleman’s passion to convert Ralph to Islam, and because of his polemic arguments that were difficult [...]

4001-477-Mota, Ireni

Transforming underprivileged children at Restoration Ministries. Restoration Ministries (RM) is an exciting outreach ministry to the poor and downcast in Sao Paulo, Brazil. For many of these children, the reality of their lives center on drugs, domestic violence, prostitution and a poverty so severe that there is often no food to eat. The mission of [...]

4000-287-Luebben, Clifford and Jennifer

Partnering with Filipino believers to plant churches amongst the unchurched communities of the Visayas As a couple we come from different backgrounds yet in the following ways are similar: We both began following Jesus Christ at young ages and both began to realize God's call to cross-cultural missions as adolescents. Raised in Kennewick and Walla [...]

4000-297-Kosse, Brandon and Kristi

Spiritual development and life training: investing in the lives of young Austrian couples & families, encouraging growth in Biblical understanding and intimacy with God. I, Brandon, first felt God's call on my life toward longterm missions during a junior high youth group trip to Mexico. This burden on my heart has been confirmed over the [...]

4000-294-Caucutt, David and Kristen

To equip the church to make mature disciples of Christ in Loja, Ecuador. In 2014, David came across a request for help in Loja, Ecuador. God began to make us sensitive to this need and burdened our hearts to pray about whether there was something He wanted us to do to help. God confirmed this [...]

4000-265-Hocutt, Keith and Joelle

We will be assisting the church planting efforts of the local Ecuadorian church through discipleship and music/drama ministry in the city of Loja and throughout the province. Although officially there is religious freedom in Ecuador, family and religious leaders make it very difficult on new believers often disowning them and asking the community to boycott [...]

4000-277-Kerstetter, Russ and Denise

Ministry Summary At Galway City Baptist Church we work primarily with youth. Our focus is on discipleship and training of teenagers and young adults. We want to instill in these future leaders of the Irish church that they are able to lead. We want to equip them with the necessary skills to be able to [...]

4000-275-Chang, Gary and Jennifer

Subscribe to Our Newsletter Serving alongside other missionaries to make disciples of Jesus and planting churches. We desire to impact the Japanese community with the love of Christ, through building spiritual community, and experience true joy as God’s people. We seek to serve young adults and young couples, helping them to learn more about Christ [...]

4000-211-Jeff and Meredith

Our ministry vision is to see the Gospel flourish in Albania and take root among the Albanians in Macedonia. In order to pursue this vision, we are engaged in two distinct, but related ministries: 1) discipleship and evangelism in and through the local church in Albania, and 2) holistic discipleship in the marketplace in both [...]

4000-215-Mitchell, Justin and Lindsay

In partnership with Denen Grace Church, our local partners in Kawasaki and Yokohama, our purpose is to see Christ known through the starting and building up of Azamino Chapel. Read here to learn more about Azamino Chapel. As the Lord gathers His people and His church is built up, we pray and hope that the [...]

4000-139-Hoglund, Karen

Strengthening the church through mentoring, discipleship, and short-term teams. It is my privilege to partner with Ugandan pastors and leaders, as well as my fellow missionaries to create, coordinate and lead short-term missions opportunities. The goal is both to build up the Ugandan church and to stretch and strengthen the faith of American believers. I [...]

4001-940-Barros, Wellington and Tatiane

About Our Ministry: Our ministry approach involves disciple-making in all we do, while teaching the Bible and sharing the Gospel, encouraging the local church to grow organically, and strengthening them to participate in God’s redemptive plan. In the last five years, as we plant Gospel seeds, we have witnessed people get to know the Word [...]

4000-154-Dixon, David

After 40 years of ministry in France with World Venture, Joyce and David Dixon retired “officially” in February 2003. But it was not to be full retirement! David and Joyce had become dual nationals and felt that the Lord was leading them to continue ministry in France and to make France their home for the [...]

4000-137-Boardwell, Matthew and Pamela

Our family visited Ireland for two months in 2009 purely as a vacation for some much-needed rest. We were drawn there by our family heritage, Ireland’s scenic beauty, and its many ancient Christian pilgrimage sites. We discovered a history rich with missions and spiritual transformation. Over the course of our visit, we engaged many Irish [...]

1100-827-Cumings, Tim and Joan

Serving on the North Central Regional Team to mobilize churches and individuals for missions. We serve pastors and churches, students on university campuses, and newly appointed WorldVenture missionaries. Prayer Needs: The fields are white unto harvest, but the workers are few. Pray that God will send out workers into the harvest. Please ask God to [...]

4000-291-Kannard, Clay and Lauren

We are the Kannard family and we were sent to Rome, Italy from Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Clay serves as co-pastor of the church, Breccia di Roma. We are primarily partnered with Italian evangelical leaders for the advancement of the Gospel in the city of Rome through the training of new pastors, [...]

4000-088-Calva, Leo and Maria

Leo's journey began in Ecuador, later becoming the backdrop of his mission. His encounter with the Lord at the age of 20 marked a transformative moment in his life. After completing his college education in Ecuador, he embarked on a new chapter in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, where he enrolled in Bible School at Rio [...]

4000-129-Hudson, Shane and April

Two core components define this mission. Shane and April aim to explain the gospel to the lost and help prepare future church leaders for service in Spain. They have served there since 2014. Because just one percent of the forty-six million people in Spain are trusting Jesus as their only way to heaven, they are [...]