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4000-806-Yodis, Eric and Beth

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! Helping church leadership in Ukraine form a vision and execute a strategy for a nationwide church planting movement. The Yodises partner with local church leadership to reach out to young men with leadership potential who have a thirst for God and a passion to see Him [...]

4000-426-McDonnel, Mark and Donna

“We are communicating the Word and compassion of Christ in the context of leadership training for the church and in serving those who struggle with traumatic personal issues. We work with students from countries in Eastern Europe and Asia, and with many individuals in Kyiv, Ukraine.” About Us: Mark and Donna McDonnel have been serving [...]

4000-783-White, John and Stella

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! Training future Christian leaders and missionaries at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS), which has hundreds of graduates serving across the former Soviet Union. It is their challenge to equip a new generation of church leaders to share God's Word and love in a quickly changing [...]

4000-087-Tokar, Joshua and Svitlana

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! The Tokars partner with the Ukrainian church to equip ministers of the Gospel from Ukraine and other former Soviet countries. Josh and Svitlana Tokar both came to know Christ at a young age. Josh was born and raised in a Christian home in Elk River, Minnesota, [...]