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4000-561-Smith, Brennan
Hi! I’m Brennan Smith, a Spiritual Life Staff Member at Grand Canyon University. In March of 2025, partnering with World Venture, I’ll be leading a team of 8 GCU students to serve in the Friendship House in Madrid, Spain for a short-term vision and service trip! My hope and prayer is that our students who [...]
4000-559-Byrd, Briannan
How great is our God, how vast His love, that He would give His only begotten Son to die on the cross to save us, sinners who are hostile to Him, from our sins so that we can live together with Him forever (John 14:2; Romans 5:8, 8:7). It seems so strange that such an [...]
4000-556-Zeigler, Evan
Evan will be headed to Japan in the spring of 2025. "I’ll be heading to Japan to help and support the people there as a global worker. My passion for Japan began in childhood, and now I have the chance to serve the people I’ve long cared about through the love of Jesus Christ. I [...]
4000-554-SyCip, Kyra
I am excited to share that I will be spending six to eight weeks this fall in Tokyo, Japan, as part of a Digital Discipleship Internship with WorldVenture. While this is an unpaid internship, it is also a unique missions trip focused on using technology to spread the Gospel and build meaningful connections. During this [...]
4000-553-DuShaw, Josiah
Josiah is moving to Costa Rica for six months to work with Horizon Church. "While I am in Costa Rica, I will be helping out with the youth group and working with men struggling with drug addiction. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support." [...]
4000-551-Reiffer, Natalie
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11). I have yet to find anything that brings true joy apart from my Lord, Jesus. In fact, I stake my life that I will not find any other joy. Only in Him [...]
4000-549-Cobb, William
William Cobb was born in Indiana but moved to Florida as a child. He gave his life to Christ during his sophomore year of high school. He's been involved in various ministries from children's ministries to young adult ministries. He graduated from Trinity College of Florida with a bachelor's in Christian ministry. "My missions and [...]
4000-548-Pitsch, Mylee
Mylee Pitsch will be serving with a local church in Japan. She will be engaging with the community through teaching English to educate and build relationships in order for the Heavenly Father to plant, grow, and expand His Kingdom family! About Me: I was adopted from China by my American family, and through that experience [...]
4000-547-Candelaria, Isabelle
Isabelle was raised in a Christian home and was involved in church from a very young age. "I discovered a passion and love for different cultures. As I have grown in my faith, the Lord has given me a heart for the nations." Isabelle will be doing an internship in Japan to share the saving [...]
4000-546-Worker Name Withheld
With a deep passion for cross-cultural ministry, I am heading to Southeast Asia to start disciple-making movements among communities with no previous exposure to the gospel. Just like Paul, “I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation, but as it [...]
4000-544-Sehlke, Tom
The first time I remember hearing about God’s heart for the nations was right after I had come to faith at a campus ministry conference. It blew my mind that I had never heard someone preach on this topic even though it’s intertwined throughout all of scripture as part of God’s heart and core desire [...]
4000-545-Lee, Colton
Psalm 57:9-10 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. As I look across my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at the countless displays of God’s steadfast love [...]
4000-541-Saavedra, Ana Maria
Ana Maria Saavedra will be serving with restoration Ministries where she will spend most of her time with under-resourced kids living in harsh conditions/situations in São Paulo, Brazil. "I will be serving at Restoration Ministries where I will spend most of my time with under-resourced kids living in harsh circumstances/situations teaching them English and providing [...]
4000-536-Wolff, Lillian
My name is Lillian Wolff. I have grown up in West Michigan as a pastor's daughter. I've enjoyed serving in my church and look forward to using those abilities to continue serving in another country. Through WorldVenture’s Pathfinder program, I hope to partner with our missionaries in Ireland, and work alongside them where needed. I [...]
4000-534-Massaglia, Erin
Erin is a high school senior from Kansas who will be graduating in May, 2024 and serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil with Restoration Ministries. Restoration ministers to underprivileged youth and their families. Erin feels a strong pull towards ministry as she looks to her next season of life. "I decided to look into WorldVenture for [...]
4000-421-Ray Follmer
My Heart All throughout scripture, God displays His heart to see peoples of every language, culture, and nation come to know him through the message of the Gospel. The Lord is using short-term missions to serve long-term field workers, have significant ministry impact, and reach nations who have never heard the good news of Christ. [...]
4000-367-Klingsmith, Scott and Chery
After almost 30 years of living with multiple sclerosis, Scott’s wife Carol graduated to heaven on January 8, 2019. She leaves a big hole in the lives of those she loved and who loved her. In September of 2021, Scott and Chery Flores were married after God brought us together in an amazing way. Chery [...]
4000-652-Schaaf, Mark and Kathy
Mark and Kathy have been serving with WorldVenture since 1991. Their journey began with 13 years in the Middle East, spent doing evangelism and discipleship, followed by 9 years in South Africa, planting a local church and providing pastoral training. Currently based in Atlanta, GA, Mark still travels extensively—with over 70 countries stamped in his [...]
4000-575-Penney, Dan and Esther
After 20 years of developing leadership in West Africa, Dan and Esther Penney said goodbye to their Senegal team. Dan recognized a greater need than staying in Senegal. His missionary experience showed him that Global Workers needed a “translator” to help them unravel the mysteries of missionary finances. Dan combines extensive field experience with financial [...]
4000-711-Thompson, RS
Mentoring and Equipping the Global Church to Reached the Least Reached While attending Bible college in the Boston area, God used a spiritual conversation with a Moroccan gas station attendant to burden Ralph’s heart for Muslims. Because of this gentleman’s passion to convert Ralph to Islam, and because of his polemic arguments that were difficult [...]
4000-662-Schneider, Terry and Donna
Terry and Donna Jeanne Schneider serve in Lynchburg, VA, mobilizing students at Liberty University, as well as couples in the area who are considering mission service. The Schneiders initially worked with refugees for 22 years in Austria. The Lord redirected them in 2013 to focus their efforts on mobilizing new workers to go and reach [...]
4000-452-Mayhugh, Paul and Diana
Serving with the Great Wall Ministries team in Macau. The Mayhughs minister to lower educated laborers, middle class families and college students, as well as Chinese university students and church pastors who are committed, teachable and independent. During this past term, Paul Mayhugh has been working on his doctorate of philosophy degree at the China [...]
4000-028-Axline, Bill and Linda
Training Christian workers and leaders among Chinese disciples through instruction, modeling, and life situations, and assisting churches in developing intentional discipleship ministries, particularly among the Chinese. In both the U.S. and Asia, the Axlines minister primarily to Chinese young men and women, and to churches seeking to build disciples among the Chinese. Bill and Linda [...]
4000-241-Hahn, Nikole
Newsletters to Sign Up For: - Once Per Month Ministry Updates and Prayer Points Digital Engagement and Disciple-Making Coordinator Serves and assists WorldVenture’s global disciple-making efforts and uses digital channels to advance the mission and vision of WorldVenture, increasing awareness and engagement across numerous web and social media properties and channels. I work to remain [...]
1100-951-Mooers, Jeff
Church Mobilizer [...]
4000-799-Wright, Joe and Calla Jean
Joe and Calla Jean served with WorldVenture as missionaries in Austria for 33 years. In addition to both of them being very active in a local church Joe's main ministry was with a German language Church Based Training program in Austria that also included some traveling to Germany and Switzerland. Calla Jean's main emphasis was [...]
4000-255-Ware, Nancy
Nancy serves among the refugees in northeast Ohio who originate from Myanmar. There are approximately 1000 people in Summit County Ohio. That number is continually growing. They have several faith backgrounds including Animism, Buddhism, other faiths including Christianity. Most faiths are syncretized. The main challenge is that ethno-centricity hinders growth of the church. Many do [...]
4000-366-King, Roberta
Making Jesus Christ known through the cultural musics of various people groups! Roberta R. King, Ph.D., focuses on two major areas of ministry. First, she communicates the gospel through contextualized worship arts and desires to make Jesus Christ known through the cultural forms of music of various people groups. Dr. King introduced Christian Music Communication [...]
1100-838-Ellison, Gordon and Rita
Gordon Ellison serves with WorldVenture as a member of the Mobilization Ministries Team. His ministry focuses on three important areas: missions promotion and education through the local church, missions mentoring, and member care. Gordon equips pastors and local church leaders in the development of effective strategies toward the clarification and accomplishment of their church’s mission, [...]
1100-847-Hagquist, Gloria
Gloria and Timothy serve in outreach to students at John Brown University (JBU) and Young Adults in their church and community. Many of the students are Missionary Kids (MK’s) and International Students. Serving includes evangelism, mentoring, encouragement, and discipling those desiring to work cross-culturally for Kingdom building. About Us: Timothy and Gloria served as WorldVenture [...]
4000-578-Perrello, Tony and Ming
Mobilizing future missionaries! Pray for open hearts on both sides of the ocean and close relationships that lead people closer to Jesus and doing God's will. About Me: Tony Perrello is serving WorldVenture as a missions mobilizer for the churches on the East Coast. He seeks to develop powerful partnerships with churches and individuals here [...]
4000-638-Roper, John and Joyce
Our names are John and Joyce Roper, and we are engaged in the ministry of pastoring, teaching, and discipling internationals in the Oklahoma City metro area. Some of the people we reach out to are only here for a year or so, making evangelism and long-term discipleship difficult. Our congregation is predominantly young and still [...]
4000-240-Greenman, Dick and Lori
Global Specialists [...]