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4000-703-Taylor, Ken
Sharing the gospel in Japan through church planting, leadership training, music, and innovative ministries. Japan is a land where Christianity is strongly perceived as a foreign religion. Japanese Christians need encouragement and equipping to effectively minister to their own people. Resources (short-term missions and funding) are needed to assist with on-going and startup ministries. Our [...]
4000-649-Schroeder, Gerry and Marla
Gerry & Marla Schroeder are the director and administrator of RussiaWorship. Since 2006, they have been developing leaders and creating resources in order to build up Christ-empowered worship. Christ-empowered worship is transformational. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of [...]
4000-039-Smith, Travis and Aimee
Our family has been living in Bangkok, Thailand since May 2016. For our first few years here, Aimee and I initially partnered with an organization that disciples women coming out of Thailand’s sex industry. We learned a lot about poverty culture and trauma as we watched these women overcome significant challenges in their lives. It [...]
4001-948-Berezhnoy, Andrey
Andrey Berezhnoy serves on the RussiaWorship ministry team. His areas of responsibility include leading the Russian volunteer staff, networking with pastors, worship and other church leaders, recording and producing songs in Russian, while also leading a worship ministry at a church in the Moscow area. God has uniquely gifted Andrey as a leader with a [...]