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4000-562-Denny, Adelaide

4000-562-Denny, Adelaide

Adelaide Denny will be serving in Strasbourg, France this coming Summer. "I will mostly be working at a cafe run by a missionary team in the city. This cafe seeks to reach the many different cultures represented in that neighborhood. I will also be able to help with the French classes they are running for refugees in the city! I grew up as an MK in France and Senegal and have always had a heart for missions. I am currently a freshman in college majoring in International Studies and French and am considering going into full-time missions someday. I feel…
December 26, 2024
4000-015-Folden, Titus and Stephanie

4000-015-Folden, Titus and Stephanie

Serving globally in the areas of discipleship, training and restoration with children and families-at-risk. Partnering with national churches and NGOs in abuse and human trafficking prevention and trauma response. By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). Often times in our journey, we don’t know exactly where we’re headed, how we’re going to get there or how it’s going to work. What we do know is that God is faithful to lead when we are obedient…
July 23, 2023
4000-960-Soules, Hannah

4000-960-Soules, Hannah

God used my own time in undergrad, where I was a resident assistant and involved in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, to grow in me a deep love for the university-aged group. It was in my first year of undergrad where he grabbed my heart and changed my course drastically from computers to missions. I'll be working with university students in Vienna, Austria. Of the twelve universities in Austria, five of them are in Vienna. What a tremendous opportunity to engage with them here! Like the rest of the population, the majority of these university students are unbelievers. Half of one percent…
July 15, 2021
4001-938-Worker Name Withheld

4001-938-Worker Name Withheld

Pastoring II Faro church in Naples Italy. Il Faro church has a five-year transition to pay the salary of an Italian full-time Pastor. The goal is to be an autonomous local church, supporting its own pastor. The average size of an Italian church is 50 people. With a small number of larger churches, and unaccustomed to the practice of tithing, few Italians support their own pastor, resulting in bi-vocational pastors. This special project will advance the objective of establishing and reproducing churches. Il Faro IBC has a history of supporting its pastor and would like to return to this practice…
November 30, 2020
4000-269-The Benaissa Family

4000-269-The Benaissa Family

The Benaissa family is a couple with a very diverse background including origins in both the United States, Asia and North Africa. Our paths crossed nearly ten years ago while we were both serving North Africans living in Spain. Currently based in the United States, we serve Arabic speaking immigrants and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Articles and Blogs on WorldVenture: - On Fasting and Ramadan
November 30, 2020
4000-049-Custer, Katrina

4000-049-Custer, Katrina

Serving through education in Germany -- K-12 students coming from 50 different countries! These students bring with them such varied cultural and academic backgrounds, it can be a challenge to teach them in a way that best helps them, keeping in mind that English is sometimes their second or third language. Also, dorm students, in particular, who live apart from their families ministering in other countries, need focused prayer for strength and love. Please pray for stamina, health, and wisdom as Katrina works with TCK's. Pray for God-honoring relationships with her students as well as her German neighbors. About me:…
October 6, 2020
4000-790-Winston, Ted and Malia

4000-790-Winston, Ted and Malia

Ministry Summary Having grown up in Europe as missionary kids, Ted and Malia met in Belgium where they married in 1988. They have been serving with WorldVenture on the French-speaking side of the country since 1993. Following 7 years in church development and 13 years in a fruitful partnership in youth evangelism and leadership development with the Belgian association Jeunesse et Vie, they have transitioned and now serve among young adults. Their main focus is on college students and young professionals. Their aim is to pursue evangelism and discipleship by means of personal contact work, a network of small groups,…
October 6, 2020
4000-806-Yodis, Eric and Beth

4000-806-Yodis, Eric and Beth

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! Helping church leadership in Ukraine form a vision and execute a strategy for a nationwide church planting movement. The Yodises partner with local church leadership to reach out to young men with leadership potential who have a thirst for God and a passion to see Him glorified throughout their city, state and country. Pray that the vision for church planting will be grasped by believers throughout the country so that the church-planting ministry would become a church-planting movement. About us: Eric and Beth Yodis have been facilitating church planting in Ukraine…
October 6, 2020
4000-092-Bryan, Chris and Chrissy

4000-092-Bryan, Chris and Chrissy

Serving Missionary Kids and Their Families at Black Forest Academy Since 2005! HOW and WHY they serve: Over the years, the Bryans have been involved in many areas at Black Forest Academy (BFA) and in the local community, but their favorite part is using their gifts of hospitality and community building by hosting students, having personal interactions, and teaching students' skills that they can use to impact the world for Christ, mentoring, and continued alumni relationships after graduation. Chris teaches graphic arts, yearbook, German, and art appreciation classes. Chrissy teaches secondary math and volunteers in extra-curricular activities. Together they have…
October 6, 2020
4000-237-Green, Mike and Agnieszka

4000-237-Green, Mike and Agnieszka

The Greens minister to people who are in their late 20s to late 40s, most of whom are college educated. People outside of their church are usually Roman Catholic, in most cases only nominal in their faith. In Poland, Protestants tend to be viewed as part of a cult or sect, which creates a barrier in evangelistic efforts. Capitalism has now been in Poland for 24 years, meaning that there are generations in Poland who have never known Communism, but instead are immersed in consumerism. Thus there is an increasing tendency among Poles to disassociate themselves with the Roman Catholic…
October 6, 2020
4000-248-Griffith, Rick and Susan

4000-248-Griffith, Rick and Susan

Rick and Susan served for 30 years in Singapore from 1991-2021, where Rick trained thousands of vibrant leaders in 21 countries based at Singapore Bible College. This included 73 teaching trips in most Asian nations to train poor pastors who could not come to Singapore. In 1992, they also helped begin International Community School, a K-12 Christian ministry. The Griffiths also planted Crossroads International Church, where Rick pastored from 2006-2021. Susan taught at ICS and also mentored student wives at SBC, and led weekly Bible studies for women at the church. But Singapore Bible College has younger faculty to teach…
October 6, 2020
4000-251-Hacker, Randy and Kaye

4000-251-Hacker, Randy and Kaye

Establishing and equipping the church in Poland. We work with Poles, 90 percent Roman Catholic, over 30 years removed from communism, European Union since May 2004. About us: "Solidarnosc! This famous catchword of the Polish labor uprisings in the 1980s has become the motto of missions in Eastern Europe. At that time, the united front of Solidarity brought down Poland's communist regime, and the spark of democracy in Poland became a flame that swept across the Soviet bloc. Today, a new spirit of solidarity and cooperation is also changing the once divided and ineffectual church in Poland into a unified,…
October 6, 2020
4000-257-Haley, Jon and Kathy

4000-257-Haley, Jon and Kathy

Though Spain is known as a Roman Catholic country, spiritual apathy is widespread and Spanish evangelical believers are few in comparison. Meanwhile, a large majority of leaders in the Spanish evangelical churches are bi-vocational, with limited time, energy, and resources to devote to church development and Biblical studies. In 1996, Jon and Kathy Haley began to assist the church-planting movement in Spain through leadership development and mobilization. They have been privileged to serve alongside the Spanish church in a variety of ways: promoting church health as national partners for Natural Church Development; coordinating the start of an online Bible school;…
October 6, 2020
4000-136-Dahl, Jim and Janice

4000-136-Dahl, Jim and Janice

Serving in the Netherlands at Tyndale Theological Seminary. It is a challenge helping the students distinguish cultural differences that influence interpretations of biblical truth. Pray that these students will be better prepared to return to their countries and offer the hope of Christ to a needy world! About us: Serving with God is an adventure! We feel that although we have had the privilege of working with God, He is at the same time always busy preparing us for the next step in the journey. We have had the opportunity to spend 12 years in Romania. Jim was mostly involved…
October 6, 2020
4000-153-DeNeui, Mark and Lisa

4000-153-DeNeui, Mark and Lisa

Mark is a Bible teacher specializing in the New Testament who trains church leaders and church planters in French-speaking Europe. Lisa is an EFL and French teacher and uses these skills to build relationships and serve the local community while sharing her faith. Mark and Lisa both serve with a network of church plants in the City of Strasbourg. We are passionate about making Christ’s love and salvation known in our community and beyond by serving alongside the local French church in loving our neighbors, sharing the gospel and discipling believers. Challenges: - Finding new and authentic ways to share…
October 6, 2020
4000-744-Vatran, John and Estera

4000-744-Vatran, John and Estera

Equipping Christian leaders for ministry in Romania. The Vatrans face well-rooted religious traditions and also the residual mindset from the past communist era. Pray that the Lord will give them an open mind and a sincere desire to let go and experience the leading of the Holy Spirit. About us: John and Estera Vatran, who are from Romania, spent 20 years in the United States before being appointed by WorldVenture to return to their homeland to serve the Romanian people. For the last few years, Romania has experienced more freedom than many other European nations. This has given the Vatrans…
October 6, 2020
4000-070-Burnell, Joel and Renata

4000-070-Burnell, Joel and Renata

We serve in Poland through seminary teaching, mentoring leaders, and Christian counseling. We work primarily with students at the Evangelical School of Theology, our fellow members at First Baptist Church of Wroclaw, and Christian leaders in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. Joel Burnell first came to Poland in 1980 with Campus Crusade for Christ to work with the Oasis renewal movement. In 1983 Joel, who was then in Polish language school, met Renata at a Christian Conference. They were married in 1987. After attending Western Seminary from 1989 to 1993, Joel and Renata returned to Poland to join the faculty at…
October 6, 2020
4000-592-Post, Jason and Mandy

4000-592-Post, Jason and Mandy

Post Family Prayer Letter: - Click Here for the Post Family 2024 Letter Ireland, once considered the center of the Christian world, now sits in darkness, shadowed by the same secular, post-modern cloud that shrouds the rest of Western Europe. Jason and Mandy Post are working to bring light to Galway, Ireland's third largest city of approximately 100,000 people. The Posts and their colleagues work in conjunction with the Association of Irish Baptist Churches and together have a desire to see churches planted throughout the West of Ireland. Pray for the Irish people to turn to the only One who…
October 6, 2020
4000-649-Schroeder, Gerry and Marla

4000-649-Schroeder, Gerry and Marla

Gerry & Marla Schroeder are the director and administrator of RussiaWorship. Since 2006, they have been developing leaders and creating resources in order to build up Christ-empowered worship. Christ-empowered worship is transformational. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - (John 8:12) This is the message that shines through Christ-empowered people and churches in a world of darkness — the message of God’s love, hope and peace — God’s ‘Light of Life.’ Gerry & Marla’s strategy is a long-term process of mentoring leaders.…
October 6, 2020
4000-426-McDonnel, Mark and Donna

4000-426-McDonnel, Mark and Donna

“We are communicating the Word and compassion of Christ in the context of leadership training for the church and in serving those who struggle with traumatic personal issues. We work with students from countries in Eastern Europe and Asia, and with many individuals in Kyiv, Ukraine.” About Us: Mark and Donna McDonnel have been serving at the Kyiv Theological Seminary (KTS) in Kyiv, Ukraine, one of the most strategic training centers for Christian leaders in Eastern Europe. Mark trains evangelists, church planters, and pastors for a wide variety of ministries all over Ukraine and surrounding countries such as Kazhakstan, Belarus,…
October 6, 2020
4000-045-Hutcherson, Caleb and Nicolette

4000-045-Hutcherson, Caleb and Nicolette

Caleb and Nicolette have been serving in Beirut, Lebanon since 2008 in the areas of theological education and compassion ministries. Caleb serves on the faculty of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary. With the shift to online learning in 2020, ABTS students are now able to study contextually developed theology while remaining in their home countries all over the Middle East and North Africa. Caleb teaches in the areas of historical and practical theology. Beyond his work in academia, Caleb also serves with Tahaddi, a Lebanese NGO that offers holistic support to families facing extreme economic hardship. Caleb's current and past…
October 6, 2020
4000-390-Livie, Doug and Krista

4000-390-Livie, Doug and Krista

Only 1% of the French population is evangelical Christian. Doug and Krista Livie serve a region of France where there are 1,500,000 people and 50 evangelical churches, or approximately one church per 30,000 people. In other areas of France, there is as few as one per 100,000 people. In partnership with the National Council of Evangelical Churches in France, the Livies are working towards the goal of at least one church for every 10,000 people. Doug and Krista minister in the outskirts of Paris, France, in the community of l'Oree de la Brie. France has been their home for over…
October 6, 2020
4000-022-Anderson, Dan and Eva

4000-022-Anderson, Dan and Eva

We work with North African families who live in or near Madrid, Spain. These families come mainly from three North African people groups: the Rifi Berbers, the Moroccan Arabs and the Jebalas. It is estimated that there are about one million people from these people groups living in Spain. In an effort to reach out and build relationships with these families we have started a number of community-based outreach activities, including adult literacy classes, Spanish classes for men and for women, and English classes and activities for youth. The purpose of these activities is to help North African families integrate…
October 6, 2020
4000-031-Poth, Kirk and Sandlin

4000-031-Poth, Kirk and Sandlin

Starting high impacting, gospel-centric, New Testament churches through friendship development, discipleship, and leadership training -- Helping the church in Western Ireland to reach her full redemptive potential through church planting and disciple making! Pray for open doors and hearts in Ireland. A divided country and ongoing violence involving religious beliefs have taken a toll on the people in Ireland. In addition, a cloud of secular, postmodern darkness has begun to spread from continental Europe. Many are lost in atheism, materialism, New Age beliefs and indifference to sin. Yet, there is a hunger for lasting peace. Almost three quarters of the…
October 6, 2020
4000-783-White, John and Stella

4000-783-White, John and Stella

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! Training future Christian leaders and missionaries at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS), which has hundreds of graduates serving across the former Soviet Union. It is their challenge to equip a new generation of church leaders to share God's Word and love in a quickly changing society caught between atheistic communism and materialistic capitalism and currently dealing with armed conflict and massive numbers of refugees. Pray that God would use us to teach his Word and develop deep relationships with students who will start new churches and impact old ones throughout…
October 6, 2020
4001-948-Berezhnoy, Andrey

4001-948-Berezhnoy, Andrey

Andrey Berezhnoy serves on the RussiaWorship ministry team. His areas of responsibility include leading the Russian volunteer staff, networking with pastors, worship and other church leaders, recording and producing songs in Russian, while also leading a worship ministry at a church in the Moscow area. God has uniquely gifted Andrey as a leader with a shepherd’s heart who is also musically talented as both a vocalist and a player. He has written several songs which are sung throughout Russia. (You can check out these songs at Andrey’s father, Boris, is a well-respected soloist in the traditional Russian church community.…
September 2, 2020
4000-010-Stewart, Jamie

4000-010-Stewart, Jamie

I will be serving as the librarian at the Christian International School of Prague, a school whose purpose is the equip students to be followers of Christ through an academic education centered on a biblical worldview.
September 2, 2020
4000-263-Hart, Dick and Robin

4000-263-Hart, Dick and Robin

Richard "Dick" and Robin Hart arrived in Jordan in August, 1979 with Jonathan, their 21 month old son. Immediately the family began learning Arabic, Dick and Robin at the Kelsey School and Jonathan with Sofy in Daycare. In March, 1980 at the invitation of WorldVenture colleague, Bob Robertson, Dick began meeting with the committee of Arab and expatriate Christian leaders that founded the Program for Theological Education by Extension, PTEE, in May, 1981. When the founding Executive Director, John DiPasquale, was planning to move into another ministry responsibility, the PTEE appointed Dick as his replacement in June, 1985. Dick continued…
September 2, 2020
4000-414-Parmer, David and Emily

4000-414-Parmer, David and Emily

We are a family partnering with a French church to see Wanderers become Followers in Strasbourg, France. We focus on meeting the marginalized refugee communities with practical help, everyday friendship, and loving conversation about the hope we have in Jesus. Strasbourg is a diverse city, bursting with opportunities to meet those who have never known a follower of Christ and who want to know more about His love for them. About Us: We are a young family from the rural mountains of Virginia, where there is a church around every bend in the road. Because we both grew up in…
August 13, 2020
4000-355-Jennifer Coon

4000-355-Jennifer Coon

Jennifer currently serve in Lebanon with the goal of using her skills as a physical therapist to holistically minister to Syrian refugees as part of a multi-disciplinary church partnership. Right now her main focus is learning Arabic. In her free time, she enjoys running along the Mediterranean and going hiking outside of the city. Connect with Jennifer on Instagram Articles and Blogs: * A Refugee Story: Jackline and Fouad * 2 Ways to Help Beirut * Chicago News Story on Jennifer
February 12, 2020
4000-328 Lance and Carol Dockrey

4000-328 Lance and Carol Dockrey

We are excited to serve Third Culture Kids at Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany. We know that God is using this place to empower global mission initiatives, and that is such a cool thing to be a part of. We get to invest in the lives of students whose families are serving in over 40 different countries world-wide.
February 12, 2020
4000-005-Miron, William and Sarah

4000-005-Miron, William and Sarah

Making disciples of Jesus in western Ireland by living life in community on mission. Our aim is to plant gospel-centered churches, not the mere brick and mortar building, but the family of God worshiping Jesus in community on mission for his glory. The Irish people are a soulful, relational, community-driven people. They are rich in culture, arts and have celebratory spirits. Many of the Irish have been hurt by and have lost trust in religious institutions, and have sworn off God all-together. We currently live in Minnesota with our three kids, Aidan (4), Norah (3), and baby Lucy. I, Will,…
February 12, 2020
4000-115-Johnson, Chelsi

4000-115-Johnson, Chelsi

Community based outreach to North African families in Madrid, Spain! My story is the story of living out the attitude of joy in knowing that God is sovereign. I was saved at the age of 5 and ever since then you can see the evidence of God’s grace on my life. God used every circumstance to direct me, mold me, and shape me for what he had prepared for me. This journey into missions really started about 10 years ago on my first missions trip abroad. Specific people and experiences were placed in my path to direct me into God’s…
February 12, 2020
4000-307-Peck, Dustin and Emily

4000-307-Peck, Dustin and Emily

We are the Peck Family: Dustin, Emily, Lauren, Ashlee, and Sawyer. We were appointed as missionaries with WorldVenture in 2018 and we have been serving at the Black Forest Academy in Germany since 2021. Dustin is a licensed clinical social worker and serves as the head counselor for elementary, middle, and high school students. It is an incredible blessing to be able to serve God while providing a safe place for the students to work through family issues, cultural confusion, social skill development, spiritual development, mental health challenges, and difficult teenage adjustments. We are also excited to be able to…
February 12, 2020
4000-285-Leak, Brian and Melissa

4000-285-Leak, Brian and Melissa

We serve as the European Liaisons for WorldVenture’s Global Anti-Trafficking Team and are passionate about these ministry focus areas: Awareness Through individual conversations, as well as small group, organizational and church presentations, we help to build awareness of the sex trafficking issue and the factors that contribute to it, particularly the links between pornography and trafficking. A Spirit-empowered church armed with a thorough knowledge of the trafficking issue can be a powerful deterrent against trafficking in their local communities. Equipping and Connecting Once someone is aware of the trafficking issue, how is God calling him or her to respond? We…
February 12, 2020
4000-297-Kosse, Brandon and Kristi

4000-297-Kosse, Brandon and Kristi

Spiritual development and life training: investing in the lives of young Austrian couples & families, encouraging growth in Biblical understanding and intimacy with God. I, Brandon, first felt God's call on my life toward longterm missions during a junior high youth group trip to Mexico. This burden on my heart has been confirmed over the years through trips to the Czech Republic, Austria, England, and Kazakhstan. Pursuing this dream, I attended Moody Bible Institute and earned a Bachelors degree in Bible/Theology. Over the years I became an aircraft mechanic, later teaching at Liberty University. Life has had many curve-balls, but…
February 12, 2020
4000-284-Miller, Noel and Patricia

4000-284-Miller, Noel and Patricia

We believe the blind will see in Spain. Therefore, we are teaching and discipling young men and women at Evangelical Christian Academy, coming alongside and helping equip victims of human trafficking, supporting and encouraging the local church, while engaging and sharing our faith with the multinational community of Madrid. Learn more at
February 12, 2020
4000-167-Horn, Beth

4000-167-Horn, Beth

After my very first mission trip, I returned with a desire to serve God overseas. I attended Dallas Theological Seminary to be trained, and it was during that time I realized God was leading me to work with children and the unloved of society. While applying to WorldVenture a few years later, the refugee crisis in Europe came to the forefront of American media. As I learned more about the refugees’ experiences, I had compassion on them. These are people who have endured extreme hardship to escape war, oppression, and persecution. Their goal has been safety and survival, and now…
February 12, 2020
4000-281-Otten, Jeremy and Christy

4000-281-Otten, Jeremy and Christy

Theological Education and Counseling Ministry Jeremy and Christy Otten are involved in Theological Education and Counseling ministries in Leuven, Belgium. Jeremy teaches New Testament at Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven (ETF). Christy provides counseling support for WorldVenture workers, ETF students, and others in their community. Their three boys, Kai, Caleb, and Sam, attend the local Flemish school and are avid soccer fans. * To sign up for their newsletters, click here. Blogs on * Meme, Myself and Isolation by Christy Otten Publications by WorldVenture: * How Can This Be?, Day 4 Resources by WorldVenture
February 12, 2020
4000-277-Kerstetter, Russ and Denise

4000-277-Kerstetter, Russ and Denise

Ministry Summary At Galway City Baptist Church we work primarily with youth. Our focus is on discipleship and training of teenagers and young adults. We want to instill in these future leaders of the Irish church that they are able to lead. We want to equip them with the necessary skills to be able to hand off the ministry to them to ensure it is a truly Irish ministry. Ireland is a beautiful country but behind the breathtaking landscapes and beautiful countryside are a people clouded in darkness and despair. We realized we had seen a hopelessness in Ireland we…
February 12, 2020
4000-211-Jeff and Meredith

4000-211-Jeff and Meredith

Our ministry vision is to see the Gospel flourish in Albania and take root among the Albanians in Macedonia. In order to pursue this vision, we are engaged in two distinct, but related ministries: 1) discipleship and evangelism in and through the local church in Albania, and 2) holistic discipleship in the marketplace in both Albania and Macedonia through a Christian development organization in the region. Our local church ministry We are investing ourselves in a local church in Tirana, the capital of Albania. This church was planted in 2015 and currently has about 25 members. We support the head…
February 12, 2020
4000-213-Cross, Sean and Ruthann

4000-213-Cross, Sean and Ruthann

When I (Sean) was 8 years old, I heard my first missionary share her story as God had called her to go to France. I remember when she was done that I heard this small voice say, What about missions? Over the years as similar events took place, I would continue to hear that same small voice asking the question, but never felt I could answer this call. It was not until 2011 did I hear that voice one more time say those same words, but no longer small in nature. It was bold and loud! At that point, I…
February 12, 2020
4000-189-Copeland, Chris and Joi

4000-189-Copeland, Chris and Joi

The Need: Ireland is a beautiful country, but it is steeped in spiritual darkness. The Irish are a welcoming and hospitable people, but many are lost in a growing hopelessness. Ireland once had a deep Christian history. Now, it is considered post-Church and they are rapidly abandoning faith in God and replacing it with secularism and atheism. Our desire is to bring the hope of the Gospel to the Irish and growing multi-national population living in Ireland so that God will be glorified, and His Kingdom restored in Ireland. Our Focus: Our focus is to facilitate a church planting movement…
February 12, 2020
4001-905-Rinderknecht, Nicolas and Pricille

4001-905-Rinderknecht, Nicolas and Pricille

Planting a New Church in France We serve multicultural people in the east suburb of Paris: white french, caribean, african and asian people who by the way are often opened to the Gospel We are missionaries to our own country. We serve in a multicultural context 15 miles east of Paris. Nicolas and Priscille served in the Protestante Evangelical Church of Champs for 17 years. Nicolas was the senior pastor, in charge of the church vision, the church discipleship, the small groups, the preaching, and the global life of the church. Since 2006, the Church blessed the church a lot.…
February 12, 2020
4000-300-Lemaster, Rebecca

4000-300-Lemaster, Rebecca

Serving at EST as Coordinator for International Projects related to student scholarships, fundraising, promotion and supporting the goal of EST, which is to strengthen the evangelical movement in Poland by equipping Christians for effective ministry. In this context, EST seeks to train and educate men and women who will serve their churches, fellowships and organizations and who desire to be an influence for Christ in their neighborhoods, communities and cities. Women's ministry: Also, I serve with other Polish Christians to coordinate monthly meetings, organize English women's camps and mentor Polish women. For the last several years I have led a…
February 12, 2020
4000-154-Dixon, David

4000-154-Dixon, David

After 40 years of ministry in France with World Venture, Joyce and David Dixon retired “officially” in February 2003. But it was not to be full retirement! David and Joyce had become dual nationals and felt that the Lord was leading them to continue ministry in France and to make France their home for the rest of their lives. In recent years, all the Mission-related churches had become members of the “Evangelical Association of French-speaking Baptist Churches”. As a result, the Mission churches had thus become fully “nationalized”, with the Mission churches making a big contribution toward church planting and…
February 12, 2020
4000-779-White, Corby and Ashley

4000-779-White, Corby and Ashley

God has blessed Corby & Ashley with many valuable experiences serving in local churches and children's ministry, in both the United States and Poland. Ashley worked in Poland for several years before they were married, and they moved to Poland as a family in 2014. Their first assignment was in Lublin, where Corby studied the language and they were part of a local church, serving through music, children's & youth ministry, English conversation, and “Street Church” outreach. In 2021, God directed them to the small mining city of Jastrzębie-Zdrój, and they joined a group of Polish people who wanted to…
February 12, 2020
4000-194-Aaron and Bess Edmunds

4000-194-Aaron and Bess Edmunds

Engaging the unreached in an unchurched world Refugees enter Austria seeking safety and hope for their families. When they are settled in Vienna, many struggle to know German, regain community and be integrated into Austrian culture. Many are enticed into dangerous lifestyles because they are on the margins of society. There is also still a stigma among many Austrians that (especially Muslim) outsiders threaten their way of life. So, even though these refugees settle in a place where the Gospel can be openly spread, the Austrian evangelical church only makes up .5% of the population, making it very unlikely that…
February 12, 2020
4000-137-Boardwell, Matthew and Pamela

4000-137-Boardwell, Matthew and Pamela

Our family visited Ireland for two months in 2009 purely as a vacation for some much-needed rest. We were drawn there by our family heritage, Ireland’s scenic beauty, and its many ancient Christian pilgrimage sites. We discovered a history rich with missions and spiritual transformation. Over the course of our visit, we engaged many Irish people in spiritual conversation and discovered a longing for something more personal and less structured than their experiences of religion in Ireland. We returned home with a burden to see Irish people reintroduced to a vibrant everyday living faith. In November 2014, we relocated with…
February 12, 2020
1100-827-Cumings, Tim and Joan

1100-827-Cumings, Tim and Joan

Serving on the North Central Regional Team to mobilize churches and individuals for missions. We serve pastors and churches, students on university campuses, and newly appointed WorldVenture missionaries. Prayer Needs: The fields are white unto harvest, but the workers are few. Pray that God will send out workers into the harvest. Please ask God to use us in mobilizing churches and individuals to fulfill the Great Commission! About Us: Tim and Joan were both raised in Michigan-Tim in Sparta and Joan in Norway in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. After getting married in 1969 they continued their schooling and Tim worked as…
February 12, 2020
4000-291-Kannard, Clay and Lauren

4000-291-Kannard, Clay and Lauren

We are the Kannard family and we were sent to Rome, Italy from Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Clay serves as co-pastor of the church, Breccia di Roma. We are primarily partnered with Italian evangelical leaders for the advancement of the Gospel in the city of Rome through the training of new pastors, the planting of new churches in Italy, and the equipping of evangelical leaders around the world to gain a better understanding of Roman Catholic theology and practice. Questions people ask us: * "Why Rome?" * "Is it not one of the most religious cities in…
February 12, 2020
4000-289-Kelley, Dave and Jenn

4000-289-Kelley, Dave and Jenn

Dave and Jenn and their three third-culture kids have been serving at the International Christian School of Budapest (ICSB) in Hungary since 2013. Their purpose there is three-fold. 1. Proclaim the Gospel to students and families who do not know Him with their words and lives (Romans 10:13-15). 2. Disciple Christian students and staff to live as integrated people wholly in obedience to Christ (2 Timothy 3:10-17). 3. Support the missionaries whose children attend ICSB by giving their students a world-class education. They aim also to support the missionaries who serve as staff in the Lower School to enable long-term…
February 12, 2020
4000-176-Thomas, Bruce and Linda

4000-176-Thomas, Bruce and Linda

Our desire is to help people take the next step in their spiritual growth. In the church we teach, disciple, and encourage our Polish brothers and sisters. In the community we teach English, which allows us to meet a variety of teens and adults. We are involved with the camp ministries during the summer months. About us: We are just “normal” people who are trying to follow God’s plan for our lives. That path took an unexpected sharp turn when He called us to overseas missions in our mid-forties. Our goals were to assist a young church, teach English to…
February 12, 2020
4000-085-Cable, Mark and Jill

4000-085-Cable, Mark and Jill

Preparing Christian leaders for ministry through theological education, discipleship and mentoring. Mark and Jill Cable prepare Christian leaders for both local and cross-cultural ministry through theological education, discipleship and mentoring. They are also working in local church development. Mark teaches courses at the Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest preparing pastors for ministry. He also teaches at Betania Bible College, a church based Bible school to prepare workers for ministry in the local church. Jill serves as the team treasurer and secretary as well as working with some former orphan girls. At various points through the year and especially during the…
February 12, 2020
4000-655-Sanders, Paul and Agnes

4000-655-Sanders, Paul and Agnes

Since 1972, Paul and Agnès (ann-yes) Sanders have focused on leadership development and compassion ministry in French-speaking Europe and Africa, as well as in Lebanon and internationally. The Sanders helped plant three churches in the Paris area by 1996. Paul was president of the Baptist Alliance of North and East Paris from its inception in 1984 until its merger with an indigenous Baptist denomination. He also promoted leadership development at the Nogent Bible Institute as church history professor, academic dean, and principal. Agnes ministered as a wife, mother, part-time industrial physician, conference speaker, and author. Her book La vie est…
February 12, 2020
4000-087-Tokar, Joshua and Svitlana

4000-087-Tokar, Joshua and Svitlana

Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! The Tokars partner with the Ukrainian church to equip ministers of the Gospel from Ukraine and other former Soviet countries. Josh and Svitlana Tokar both came to know Christ at a young age. Josh was born and raised in a Christian home in Elk River, Minnesota, attending the local Baptist church since birth. He became a believer at age 12 and was baptized the following summer. Svitlana comes from rural central Ukraine. After the fall of the Soviet Union, her grandmother was the first in her family to repent. Svitlana and…
February 12, 2020
4000-107-Johnson, Nathan and Bethany

4000-107-Johnson, Nathan and Bethany

Church Planting in Austria Nathan and Bethany's ministry focus is church planting amongst German speakers in the Vienna area. They are partnering with an Austrian-led church association to plant a church on the northern side of the city, an area where there is currently no gospel-preaching church and a growing population. Nate and Bethany also serve as WorldVenture Team Austria field leaders, assisting the team with decision-making, cultural integration and spiritual leadership. Gifted with speaking and teaching abilities, Nathan is passionate about knowing God's Word on a deeper level and hopes to train Austrian Christians to be leaders and teachers…
February 12, 2020
4000-160-Chumbley, Terry and Robin

4000-160-Chumbley, Terry and Robin

Our family ministry focuses on working with Third Culture Kids (TCKs) through SHARE Education Services. You can contact Terry and Robin at: By definition, “A TCK is an individual who, having spent a significant part of the developmental years in a culture other than that of their parents, develops a sense of relationship to both. These children of business executives, soldiers and sailors, diplomats, and missionaries who live abroad, become "culture-blended" persons who often contribute in unique and creative ways to society as a whole.” SHARE Education Services helps English-speaking expatriate families living in Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and…
February 12, 2020
4000-129-Hudson, Shane and April

4000-129-Hudson, Shane and April

Two core components define this mission. Shane and April aim to explain the gospel to the lost and help prepare future church leaders for service in Spain. They have served there since 2014. Because just one percent of the forty-six million people in Spain are trusting Jesus as their only way to heaven, they are compelled to proclaim the good news of salvation. They like to use rock climbing as a means for making friends with a variety of people that have not yet heard the gospel. Teaching in an official evangelical seminary near Barcelona enables them to train future…
February 12, 2020