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4000-202-Underhill, Brian and Holly

Mobilizing local communities of Christ followers through discipleship and training so that the unreached people groups of Kalimantan would be transformed by the Gospel. Like in any developing country, serving as a Gospel worker in Indonesia has its challenges. Poor infrastructure, political tensions, widespread poverty, and even religious persecution persist. Deep-rooted tribal religion and the [...]

4000-224-Geary, Paul and Rebecca

Serving at Bethesda Mission Hospital in Indonesia, working with Indonesians from many tribal, cultural and economic backgrounds including believers as well as animist Dayaks, Buddhist Chinese, Islamic Malayu and Javanese, who are seeking compassionate affordable medical care. About us: Paul and Becky Geary have been in West Borneo, Indonesia, since 1998 working in partnership with [...]

4000-210-Jun, Andrew and Nicole

Appointee to serve in Southeast Asia [...]

4000-218-Yee, Eric and Tina

In 2010, Eric and Tina were sent by their church in Michigan to Indonesia to be part of a church plant in the suburbs right outside the capital city of Jakarta. And in 2015, they were sent out again from their church to plant another English-speaking church in the capital city, where Eric currently serves [...]

4000-103-Yates, Calista

Sign up for her newsletters! My primary role is teaching at an Indonesian Nursing School with 130 students enrolled in a 3-year program. This involves teaching in the classroom and supervising their practicum experiences. I also spend time mentoring and discipling both Indonesian nurses and nursing students in the roles and responsibilities of serving as [...]