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4000-627-Requadt, Tom and Laura
The Requadts’ Story Thomas Thomas’ childhood consisted of a family life juggled between two separated parents, all over northern California. In his senior year in high school, he ended up in a foster home and thanks to the faithful witness of a classmate and the grace of God, he put his faith in the Lord [...]
4000-576-Penner, Mary Esther
Mary Esther and her husband, Mark, went to Japan in 1983 to work in the Deaf community. There, they saw the need for Deaf people to have a Bible in their own language. In 1993, the Japanese Sign Language Bible translation project got underway. The project has transitioned to being completely run by Japanese Deaf [...]
4000-056-Boese, Glenn and Linn
Glenn and Linnea Boese are now “Global Specialists” with WorldVenture, retired missionaries with ongoing ministries. They served full-time from 1977 to 2019, working in northern Côte d’Ivoire, based in Ferkessédougou. They focused on church development among the Nyarafolo, a least-evangelized people group in the region surrounding that city, in addition to ministry at the Baptist [...]
4000-187-Escher, Marilyn
Serving through Wolof Bible translation in Senegal. The Wolofs’ main values are peace, hospitality, and self respect. They make up the majority of the population and are nearly 100 percent Muslim. The translation must be both faithful to the original text and clear to the audience. A high rate of illiteracy in areas outside of [...]