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4000-518-Lynch, Brynna

After an amazing two years providing women’s healthcare to the rural Northern Mariana Islands of Rota and Saipan, Brynna is looking forward to a new opportunity to serve and grow in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa. Similarly, to her work in Saipan, she will be working as a Nurse-Practitioner and Midwife providing healthcare and education to underserved women in a rural hospital. Brynna's initial timeframe will be six months of volunteer service. "I’m so eager to learn and grow as I walk with God through this new phase. I covet your prayers as I anticipate the challenges of learning how to apply…
June 7, 2023

4000-157-Burnette, Daryl and Leah

Daryl and Leah met while in college and were married in 2006. It was through the adoption process that God began to work in their hearts about committing their lives to full-time missionary service. Leah graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2007 with a BS in Elementary Education and spent 6 years teaching fifth grade in the public-school system. Daryl graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia with a BS in Business Finance and a master’s degree from Liberty in Pastoral Counseling. After serving in Mozambique for 6 years and unable to return due to visa…
February 18, 2022

4000-446-Downs, Tim and Sarah

God has given us a vision to see lives changed by Jesus through the establishment of a permaculture training center in Ivory Coast, Africa. With this training center, pastors will be able to learn to support their families as they plant churches and continue in ministry. Connect with them through their website! Blogs on WorldVenture: * WorldVenture:In Review Episode
May 27, 2021

4000-009-Worker Name Withheld

Thank you for partnering with our family to see the church planted in N. Africa. Your support is critical to the work here. Thank you!
November 30, 2020

4000-191-Worker Name Withheld

We strive to serve our local community. We hope to be a light to the ethnically diverse people; Africans, Arabs, Asians and Westerners.
November 30, 2020

4000-954-Kendall, Glenn and Kathy

By prayer, presence and persuading, Glenn and Kathy Kendall seek transformation by the power of Jesus Christ in Dakar, Senegal. They pray and host individual and small group Bible Studies. Grandson, Philip, lives with them attending English high school, Dakar Academy, allowing his parents to continue ministry in Guinea, West Africa, also with WorldVenture. Blogs and Articles on WorldVenture: - Why Work Continues After Retirement
October 8, 2020

4000-179-Eliason, Diane

Providing medical care at the Baptist Hospital in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire). We serve the 60 ethnic groups of Côte d’Ivoire, including the Fulani, an unreached people group. The major religions are: 39 percent Muslim, 29 percent Animist, and 1.25 percent evangelical Christians in the north. Two of the major challenges are poverty and HIV/AIDS. There are inadequate funds for health care and proper nutrition. Also HIV/AIDS affects 10 percent of population. Pray that the people will turn from other objects of worship to the living God, so that they will understand his saving grace. About me: Diane Eliason enjoys…
October 6, 2020

4000-855-Horen, Sandra

My current ministry is in Madagascar. I am making sure the office runs smoothly and people and projects get their money each month. Living in the city when the remainder of the team lives 10 hours away presents some challenges, but nothing we can't handle. Thankfully we have internet and mobile phones. The Malagasy people have a history of ancestral worship. While in the city many evangelical churches are sharing the Gospel, in the rural areas they continue worshiping the dead. The political situation may be improving, but it is too soon to tell. In 2009 the government was over…
October 6, 2020

4000-593-Powley, Jane

Serving through evangelism in Senegal. Jane Powley grew up in a Christian home and attended a church that gave her an early exposure to missions. Her first overseas experience was in Cote dâ Ivoire where she served for two years as a school secretary at the International Christian Academy with WorldVenture. In July 1984, WorldVenture appointed Jane as a career missionary. She served her first two terms in Senegal as an elementary school teacher at Dakar Academy, a Christian missionary children's school. Since 1996, Jane Powley has been serving through full-time evangelism outreach in Senegal, West Africa. For Jane, this…
October 6, 2020

4000-014-Allen, Brenda

I am so grateful that for over 30 years I have been able to call West Africa my home. Loving and working with kids, particularly adolescents, has been my passion since my university years. At 60 years old, it is relationships that I find most impactful and meaningful. I love kids! There have been different ways that God has enabled me to be involved with kids and their families. After the privilege of growing up in a ministry family, I graduated with a degree in nursing from Biola University. Stateside work included home church youth ministry, camping, and school nursing.…
October 6, 2020

4000-354-Kendall, Nathan and Becky

The three values that the Kendalls desire to exemplify are... - glorifying God, - growing everything around them - and enjoying the life God provides. Living out these values in the context of Senegal is the desire to see Christ’s Kingdom reign in and over all things, growing people and the world around them to reflect Christ’s glory, and choosing to embrace the life God lays before them. Dakar, Senegal is a peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean as the furthest west point of the African land mass. In this city of around 3.5 million people are a mix…
October 6, 2020

4000-110-Chinn, Lloyd and Jan

Leading international workers toward strategic gospel engagement across Africa and developing the leadership skills of the international workers we serve. We serve as International Ministries Director (IMD) for Africa. Our responsibility is in three areas: strategic planning, leadership development and organizational leadership. As IMD, some of what we are responsible for: providing pastoral care, leadership and supervision for international workers in Africa; assuring that WorldVenture personnel in Africa are being cared for and challenged toward ongoing personal and professional development; addressing personnel and field crises in Africa; and calling and leading international workers in Africa to spiritual, relational, and organizational…
October 6, 2020

4000-121-Columbine, Bo and Michele

Bo and Michele serve Senegalese families needing assistance in discovering ways to provide for their basic needs. Since 92 percent of the Senegalese follow Islam, much of the Senegalese identity comes from being Muslim. Bo and Michele Columbine minister to African families in predominately Muslim Senegal. Bo, who is a mechanic, welder and machinist serves men through teaching them these vocational skills. Michele ministers to the wives and children so they can reach whole families for God's glory. Michele accepted the Lord in 1993, after her brothers had shared the gospel with her many times. In 1996 she felt the…
October 6, 2020

4000-696-Stucky, Larry & Barbara (Bentley)

Larry and Barbara (Bentley) Stucky currently serve in an urban setting in French-speaking West Africa. Their respective paths to both marriage and joint service took them to various countries and peoples over the last several decades of serving with WorldVenture. They thank God for global partners who have walked the path with each of them, and now both of them, since the 1980s. Larry and his first wife, Dana (now with the Lord), were appointed to plant churches among northeast Brazilians in 1982. They branched into seminary teaching and leadership development over the ten years they served Brazilians. From 1989…
October 6, 2020

4000-095-Campbell, Charles and Sherry

Training Christian leaders at the Evangelical Theological Institute of Senegal (ITES). The church in Senegal is slowly growing. Although only 1% of the population is evangelical Christian, Senegalese Christians thirst to know God better and know his Word. Charley & Sherry Campbell help Christians grow through their ministry at The Evangelical Theological Institute of Senegal (ITES.) Pray for strength and encouragement and that the Spirit would teach students and their teachers deep spiritual truths that can be put into application in daily life. Charley teaches Old Testament courses on the undergraduate level, where students can earn a degree in theology…
October 6, 2020

4000-681-Slater, Kirk and Laura

Kirk was born in Cote d’Ivoire to medical missionaries, and sensed a call to serve God in missions as a child, while Laura found her call after high school. We first came to Uganda in 1997 and spent 12 years in fruitful church planting and leadership development in a rural town. Our 4 sons were born and grew in those early years. We saw ministry grow as well through very difficult situations, and saw young leaders equipped to shepherd the church with skill and earnest faith. In 2010 we entered urban ministry and began to see the growing crisis in…
October 6, 2020

4000-684-Sorensen, Skip and Ruth

New churches are springing up all over Uganda. Having suffered during the reign of Idi Amin and several wars, many Ugandans are receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Christians of Uganda are making great headway in sharing the good news with their people, winning many of them to Christ. However, this explosion of conversions has fomented a crisis in the churches — there are not enough mature leaders to disciple all the new believers. The equipping of pastors and workers to meet this crisis has become the greatest challenge facing the church of Uganda. For the past 28…
October 6, 2020

4000-623-Ragsdale, Rod and Angelika

TAGLINE: Leadership Training and Community Development In 1990, we started our ministries in West Africa - initially separated from each other as singles. God brought us together in 1999 and in 2000 we started our joint service in Cote d'Ivoire. OUR FOCUS IN MINISTRY Leadership Training and Community Development We work with a church organization with about 500 local churches. There is a shortage of trained pastors. Rod has been helping with the training and education of pastors at the Bethel Bible Institute (IBB) in Korhogo in recent years. Angelika has taught the women of future pastors in hygiene and…
October 6, 2020

4000-627-Requadt, Tom and Laura

The Requadts’ Story Thomas Thomas’ childhood consisted of a family life juggled between two separated parents, all over northern California. In his senior year in high school, he ended up in a foster home and thanks to the faithful witness of a classmate and the grace of God, he put his faith in the Lord Christ Jesus on March 27, 1976. In making this life commitment, Thomas gained eternally a heavenly Father, and a rather large extended forever family. Laura Laura, in contrast to Thomas’ unstable childhood, grew up in one home in Arizona. Her life was lived in a…
October 6, 2020

4000-510-Newkirk, Steve and Laura

Ministry Summary: Roughly 16 million people live in Senegal, about one-fifth of them live in Dakar, the capital city. Since 95% of the Senegalese population claim Islam as their religion, we hear the Muslim call to prayer five times a day. Rejoice with us! On December 11, 2022, we had our first church service in a beautiful new building. We now have a church lead by nationals, using Wolof (the heart language of most people) and characterized by what is seen as sacred to the Senegalese. A lack of the sense of sacredness is the main reason why Muslims in…
October 6, 2020

4000-034-Frazee, Jeff and Heidi

Preaching, teaching, and making disciples through community relationships, children’s ministry, and media. Through more than 18 combined years in Africa God has convinced us that a simple, biblically obedient disciple-making process is the best way to serve in Africa. My wife first moved to Africa with her parents when she was eight years old, and she has had the opportunity to see this region from many different perspectives. I grew up in California. My parents said in hindsight they could see that God was raising me up to serve him since I was very young. We met and fell in…
October 6, 2020

4000-038-Bennett, Gary and Barb

Serving in church development, leadership training and developing a children's music ministry in Rwanda. Rwandans come from three ethnic groups: Hutu (84 percent), Tutsi (15 percent) and Twa (Pygmoid) (1 percent). About 90 percent of the people are involved in agriculture and everyone speaks the same language, Kinyarwanda. Pray that God would raise up and strengthen church leaders who can radically impact the lives of the people in their churches by faithfully teaching them God's Word. About us: How does a single missionary in Japan meet a single widower missionary in Rwanda? The simple and short answer is "The Internet."…
October 6, 2020

4000-123-Coon, Catharine

Click Here to visit Hope Alive! online. About Catharine Raised in a Christian family, Catharine Coon gave her life to the Lord as a child. She was active in her home church, moving over the years from assisting Sunday school teachers to serving as youth intern. But she never anticipated a call to the mission field. "The idea scared me," says Catharine. "When I finally gave in and said, 'Okay, Lord, I'll do it if that's what you want,' I was amazed at the transformation in myself. Dread disappeared to be replaced by deep joy. God was confirming the rightness…
October 6, 2020

4000-791-Wood, Carol

“Africans, Indians, Arabs, Pakistanis, Persians and Europeans make up the kaleidoscopic mix of people who call Mombasa ‘home,’” which according to Carol Wood, “makes living and ministering in this city a fascinating and challenging assignment.” Partnering with believers at Fellowship Baptist Church of Mombasa to build relationships with people who have not yet had the opportunity to know Jesus Christ and walking with those who have continues to be the central focus of the Mombasa ministry. Meeting with individuals and families in a variety of social settings, assisting women in crisis, facilitating Bible studies and outreach events are integral parts…
September 2, 2020

4000-140-Davis, Jon and Jenny

Jonathan and Jennifer Davis are currently working in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Jonathan founded The Ideas Workshop which is a ministry that gives hope and changes lives through Discipleship, Vocational Training, and Business. The Ideas Workshop works with hearing impaired young people to train them in Bible study, wood working, and metal fabrication. It is also a business which employees eight men in metal fabrication. Jenny runs a Bright Horizons Lending library, supporting home schooling families. The Davises have spent 16 years in Uganda. They have three kids Megumi 16, Daniel 16 and Emily 11. Check out their…
September 2, 2020

4000-628-Renner, George and Linda

For 25 years served on faculty and administration at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology in Nairobi. Now slightly retired. Working closely with former students who are planting churches in difficult places such as Africa urban slums and South Sudan.
September 2, 2020

4000-502-Nelson, Wayne and Melody

Every time we heard a missionary speaker during our early years of marriage, we would ask ourselves, "Could God use us in that ministry?,’” say Wayne and Melody Nelson. Finally an opportunity fit, and WorldVenture appointed the Nelsons in 1983 for ministry in Cote d’Ivoire. In July 1985, they arrived in France for language study and a year later in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, to work with the Centre de Publications Evang_liques. After several terms of ministry doing literature production, field administration, and administrative support for the missionary children’s school, the Nelsons began looking for another field of service. Their route…
September 2, 2020

4000-658-Schmidt, Rodger and Lynne

Connect With The Schmidts * Coaching Website * Sign up For Their Newsletter Blogs and Articles on * Live Tour and Prayer Walk in Mozambique * Resting Murder Face Series * Tourism Revives Island of Culture and Confluence * Easter Sunday: Stories of Redemption Learn More: Project: Finish The Task Force More Information: Rodger and Lynne Schmidt joined the World Venture Family over 20 years ago. In their many years, they have been afforded the opportunity to build and lead multiple teams of missionaries. They were privileged to plant three churches and serve the African church. The egg farm…
September 2, 2020

4000-056-Boese, Glenn and Linn

Focusing on the Nyarafolo, a least-evangelized people group in northern Côte d'Ivoire, using church development, Bible translation and compassion ministries. Glenn has turned over his directorship of the Baptist Hospital laboratory to the trained nationals, and functions as a consultant both to them and to the hospital administration. In particular, he is doing financial programming that will enable the hospital to keep track of data while conforming also to the French accounting system. He is also field treasurer and part of the leadership team, and manages the business end of the Nyarafolo Translation Project. Linn directs and is Hebrew exegete…
September 2, 2020

4001-960-Armand, Georcelet (Josy) and Ana

Josy and his wife, Ana, have been key ministry partners in Madagascar since 1999. Josy and Anna have been consistent leaders in the initial phases of outreach followed by church planting/growth in the remote region of Mahabana on the northwest coast. This region traditionally was the hub for ancestral worship and was taboo Jesus and the Bible for the Sakalava people group. In 2006, Eden Reforestation Projects began planting mangrove propagules in the remote village of Mahabana. Josy led this initial effort and through the years, has graciously stepped into leadership. Today, Josy is the National Director of Eden Reforestation…
July 7, 2020

4000-378-Slone, Mark and Marchelle

Ministry Summary The mission of our ministry in Uganda is to shape/equip godly servant-leaders for ministering to and building up the Body of Christ. Biblical and theological literacy, trained leaders, and healthy churches are the greatest needs of Christianity in Uganda. These aspects will be the focus of our ministry there. But, there is hope! We are planning to use our years of practical ministry experience, theological training, and our desire to learn, to develop church leaders and help local churches become healthy and as productive, for the glory of God and His kingdom. Our vision is that the church…
February 27, 2020

4000-319-Hansen, Antoinette

About Me: I was born and raised in California and came to know the Lord at an early age. As a high-school student, God filled me with a love for his Word and his world, and a desire to see his beloved children from every culture worshipping the King of Kings and empowered to live the life God has called them to. Through short-terms mission trips over the years, God has given me a love for the country of Rwanda and a desire to be part of the story he is writing in this beautiful country. I recently completed my…
February 25, 2020

4000-329-Walton, Evans and Jeanette

Check out their special project to raise funds for land for their ministry! Ministry Summary: We have been charged with three areas of ministry in Ghana: 1) Facilitate church leadership development and training, 2) Conduct small group discipleship and mentoring in the Upper East Region of Ghana 3) Coordinate various mercy ministries (water projects and justice) within the Navrongo communities Our major challenges will be garnering support among national churches in Ghana and adjusting to living conditions in northern Ghana. We are praying that the unreached will come to know Christ through this ministry. We are praying that God will…
February 12, 2020

4001-944-Butati, Michael

Michael works at the mission Hospital doing out- patient consultations, surgery, and in-patient care, always seeking opportunities to share the Gospel with the patients. In addition he serves in leadership positions in the local church including preaching when needed and leading worship. Michael and his wife are from the East of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Rwanguba city, they have 3 children. The Butatis came to Cote d’Ivoire in Ferkessedougou in 2007 barely one month after their wedding because the Hospital was in need of a Christian Doctor. Michael came to work as a doctor, but upon his…
February 12, 2020

4000-230-Pearce, Laura

I am serving in Kigali, Rwanda with New Creation Ministries, a nonprofit that provides training and resources for Rwandan pastors and leaders. I support the school's staff and teachers by taking care of behind the scenes administrative details and freeing them to focus on their areas of gifting. I also help with long term strategic planning and with developing administrative systems that can scale as the training center grows. Close to 90% of Rwandan pastors have less than a 6th grade education. NCM is uniquely positioned to serve these pastors by providing training in Kinyarwanda that emphasizes the basics... What…
February 12, 2020

4000-246-Hansen, Hal and Terrie

We serve alongside local churches in Northern Uganda in a supportive role through discipleship and economic development of tradesmen and communities, helping with strategic planning and outreach with pastors. Our ministry includes administration of pastoral education and providing fresh water to communities through installation of shallow wells. Major challenges: - General lack of education in Northern Uganda affects the community, congregation and Christian leaders. The basics of being able to read and study God's word bring great challenges to move toward spiritual growth and maturity. - A combined lack of capital and lack of understanding how to use it; lack…
February 12, 2020

4000-278-Masters, Troy and Gerri

The Ghanaian church is in desperate need of unity, accountability, and maturity as a spiritual body. Although churches in Ghana are numerous, many people suffer from a distorted view of the fundamental truths found in Scripture. Our passion is to come alongside the existing church in community with Doctrinal teaching. We engage in both individual and group discipleship. We have a an existing ministry building to use as a platform for a variety of strategic ministries designed to promote spiritual health, and a passion for the lost in the community. With multi-level bible classes, community development and outreach projects, and…
February 12, 2020

4000-236-Smagacz, Caleb and Suz

The Smagacz family moved to Uganda in February of 2017 with a passion to serve the children and families of the country. Not sure how it would all work out but confident in God’s call, the Smagacz’s spent years in language and cultural acquisition. In 2020, the call became clearer; Caleb accepted the position of Executive Director with a ministry called Hope Alive! Hope Alive! serves the children and families of Uganda through a child sponsorship program that seeks to engage children holistically through meeting student’s spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs. Find out more at Suz has…
February 12, 2020

4001-936-Kognon, Keo

I teach the students at Bethel Bible School, and work with local believers and church leaders. I was born in an unbelieving family in the north of Côte d’Ivoire in 1969. I became a Christian in 1984. I was married in 1998 to Lydie and we have 3 children (Stephane, Michael and Prisca). I have been the director of the Bethel Bible School (IBB) in Korhogo since 2001. As director, my main responsibilities lie in the guidance of the Bible school. My duties also involve the recruitment of new students and the encouragement of churches already supporting students in training.…
February 12, 2020

4000-663-Sharp, Linda

Serving at the Baptist Mission Hospital in Ferkessedougou, Cote d’Ivoire. The dispensary ministers to a mainly poor, illiterate, agricultural population. Believing strongly in the power of the spirit world, they are also deeply committed to family and show special respect for older family members. Because of their belief in spirits and curses, the people often feel that illness is caused by a curse. Rather than seeking medical help, they try to find someone with stronger powers to counteract the curse. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open people’s eyes to see that Jesus has the ultimate power and that he…
February 12, 2020

4000-192-Wohlgemut, Josh and Christy

Josh and Christy have recently completed a 4-year term in a mission hospital in Sub-Saharan Africa. In a country where nearly half the population lives below the poverty line and there is one doctor for every 5,000 people, it’s not surprising that medical care is a giant need. By striving to provide compassionate and affordable healthcare, those who come through the gates seeking physical healing find healing for their souls as well. Around 80 people accept Christ as their Savior, and thousands more are introduced to the love of Jesus each year. As an RN, Christy enjoys caring for, and…
February 12, 2020

4000-162-Worker Name Withheld

My wife and I have had the honor of serving as missionaries first as singles, then together as a couple. It has been a wonderful life and we would not have it any other way. I would love to share a little about our lives and how we continue to serve God through WorldVenture. I was born and raised in a Christian home in Minnesota. I came to faith in Christ when I was five. As I grew, I was surrounded by strong Biblical teaching from people whose character matched their words. I was always familiar with missionaries as many…
February 12, 2020

4000-139-Hoglund, Karen

Strengthening the church through mentoring, discipleship, and short-term teams. It is my privilege to partner with Ugandan pastors and leaders, as well as my fellow missionaries to create, coordinate and lead short-term missions opportunities. The goal is both to build up the Ugandan church and to stretch and strengthen the faith of American believers. I also get to help lead a young women’s Bible Study through my church in Kampala. In addition, I am currently developing a month-long missions immersion/study experience for people to come, learn and be exposed to what it’s like to live and do ministry cross-culturally. My…
February 12, 2020

4000-187-Escher, Marilyn

Serving through Wolof Bible translation in Senegal. The Wolofs’ main values are peace, hospitality, and self respect. They make up the majority of the population and are nearly 100 percent Muslim. The translation must be both faithful to the original text and clear to the audience. A high rate of illiteracy in areas outside of Dakar creates the need to disseminate the word in other forms than the printed page. Pray that God would use his Word to bring people to see that they need a Savior, and that Jesus, the Messiah, is the only Savior. About Marilyn: Little did…
February 12, 2020

4001-940-Barros, Wellington and Tatiane

About Our Ministry: Our ministry approach involves disciple-making in all we do, while teaching the Bible and sharing the Gospel, encouraging the local church to grow organically, and strengthening them to participate in God’s redemptive plan. In the last five years, as we plant Gospel seeds, we have witnessed people get to know the Word of God and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit and choose to be followers of Jesus Christ! Prayerfully, seeds will grow and flourish in this particularly arid soil, some of which has gradually opened up to the water of life! Our ministry strategies: -…
February 12, 2020

4000-173-Shattenberg, Jamie and Alissa

"Red Island Restoration is a response to God’s leading in our lives to see Madagascar restored in health, forests and hope in Christ. We are partnering with Malagasy teammates to serve the least of these–the impoverished, the jobless, the at-risk, the widows, the single mothers, and the pregnant women and their babies–all of whom are mighty in the power of Christ. Please pray for our family and ministry partners– that we would walk closely with the Lord, follow His leading in all matters and that we would glorify and serve Him faithfully as an expression of our love for Him."…
February 12, 2020

4000-134-Pirolo, Nick and Krystal

We train church leaders and medical professionals in Rwanda to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, that the Church in Rwanda would operate as the Body of Christ. Challenges: Learning Kinyarwanda, the heart language of all Rwandans Remembering to keep Christ at the center of all we do: working at the clinic and NCM, worshipping at church, serving our spouses, raising our children. About us: Nick was raised a Christian and felt a call to be a missionary from an early age. Developing skills in teaching, he knew that this would open doors in any country. Krystal grew…
February 12, 2020

4000-159-Dirksen, Phillip and Zana

Dr. Phil and Zana Dirksen served with WorldVenture in Zaire from 1977 to 1988 with the purpose to equip local physicians and surgeons with knowledge, skills and experience to help the suffering people who have no hope. During their years of service, they helped open two hospitals, two nurse-practioner training institutes (although one has been destroyed), 33 health-posts and health-centers; and served as the primary physician and surgeon at Rwanguba Hospital. As "International Resource Specialists" with WorldVenture, the Dirksens continue their association with two hospitals in Goma, Congo, through annual six-week medical mercy trips with a spiritual emphasis. Dr. Phil…
February 12, 2020

4000-163-Halter, David and Sarah

Training, mentoring, and discipling Tanzanian surgeons while providing surgical care to the poor. About us: Imagine you had appendicitis and needed life-saving surgery. and the nearest surgeon was two days away. That is the reality for millions of people across Africa. In Tanzania, there are roughly 200 surgeons of any kind for 50 million people. That's like 20 surgeons for the entire Detroit metro area (our hometown), where just one hospital system has ten times as many surgeons. Dave is a general surgeon and is training Tanzanian surgeons in order to fill that gap. God tells us in Micah 6:8…
February 12, 2020

4000-151-Van Wart, Matt and Elizabeth

About us: I, Matt, grew up as a pastor's kid. God was always a big part of my life. I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of four and a few years later was baptized by my Dad. I continued to be active in church as I grew. At the age of fourteen, I surrendered my life to foreign missions during an invitation given at the end of our church's missions conference. A few years later my Dad had the opportunity to visit missionary friends in Uganda. When he returned with stories of the amazing people of Uganda…
February 12, 2020

4000-165-Sass, Bill and Janet

Serving children and widows affected by the HIV/Aids pandemic through community development. Malawi is the poorest country in the world. 1 in 9 adults is HIV positive. 500,000+ children are considered orphans, having lost either one or both of their parents. Nearly 25,000 children in Malawi each year will be diagnosed having HIV/ Aids themselves transmitted either through birth or sexual transmission. About us: Bill and Janet currently reside in Mesa, Arizona, and are members of Mission Community Church. They have been in Arizona since October 2004 when the Lord called them out into the desert from their home in…
February 12, 2020

4000-550-Paden, Bruce and Anita

Compassionate ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country in the throes of reconstruction after a bloody civil war and unrest that claimed the lives of some five million people, occupies Bruce and Anita Paden. Bruce seeks to strengthen the church, while the focus of Anita’s ministry is to help grieving children, teens and former child soldiers who have lost parents and other family members. The Padens were appointed by CBFMS (now WorldVenture) in 1983. In 1986, they arrived in Congo (then called Zaire), where they both taught at the Bible Institute at Rwanguba. They returned to the United…
February 12, 2020

4000-712-Turner, Darrie and Debbie

The Turners work with church leaders of rural Uganda who struggle with poverty, disease, hunger and war, making Bible training available to pastors in rural areas. A few of the ministry's challenges are: traveling throughout the country on poor roads to train local pastors, instilling a new hunger in pastors who have lost their appetite for God's Word, and finding others to help train rural pastors. Pray for revival for those leaders who know yet struggle with the truth, that they would have a hunger for God's Word and would remain faithful in the midst of trying circumstances. About us:…
February 12, 2020

4000-125-Meyers, Brian and Megan

Serving in medical/musical ministry and leadership development, through teaching future doctors and developing ethnodoxologists. Brian and Megan Meyers work in Beira, Mozambique, the second largest city in the nation. Brian teaches medicine at a Catholic Medical School (one of three medical schools in Mozambique), training future doctors, and works at the Central Hospital in Beira. As an ethnomusicologist, Megan partners with a local worship ministry, ACAC (Christian Alliance of Creative Artists), teaching worship workshops, mentoring worship leaders, and developing indigenous hymnody. Both are also busy training up the next generation of missionaries by raising their four daughters. Missions work is…
February 12, 2020