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4000-580-Persson, Peter and Celeste
After having served in Austria (primarily in the area of church development, field leadership, as well as in regional leadership in Eastern Europe for almost 36 years), Peter and Celeste returned to the States in 2019. Peter became Director of Global Prayer Initiatives in January 2020 and Celeste became a volunteer Alumni Liaison, providing member [...]
4000-113-Dodson, Justin and Jenna
We are helping a French Church launch a network of churches in the city, through the training of church planters and the leading of church plants amongst unreached neighborhoods. Challenges: -Adjusting to the numerous cultures and languages that are represented in the community -Creatively motivating and equipping the local French people to engage in Muslim [...]
4000-118-Worker Name Withheld
Serving the church in the US through pastoral leadership and mission mobilization. Finishing organizational leadership doctoral work with a focus on global, groups, and theological perspectives with the goal of providing leadership consulting to WV global fields. [...]
4000-325-Johns, Bob and Lidia
Serving in Uruguay. The general population of Uruguay is largely a mix of European backgrounds, mostly Spanish and Italian. About us: Bob became a Christian at a camp at the age of ten. He came to northwest Argentina in 1982, and worked in church development, seminary extension, and teaching in a seminary. Lidia accepted Christ [...]
4000-249-Gupta, Jason and Kerri
Jason and Kerri Gupta are Global Directors of the Americas for WorldVenture, overseeing nearly 100 global workers in 10 mission fields, in North, Central, and South America. Before taking this role in 2022, the Guptas spent 17 years training Christian leaders in Ukraine and 8 years as the area director team in Europe. With their [...]
4000-257-Haley, Jon and Kathy
Though Spain is known as a Roman Catholic country, spiritual apathy is widespread and Spanish evangelical believers are few in comparison. Meanwhile, a large majority of leaders in the Spanish evangelical churches are bi-vocational, with limited time, energy, and resources to devote to church development and Biblical studies. In 1996, Jon and Kathy Haley began [...]
4000-161-Dodd, Peter and Debbie
Training leaders for the Chinese church from Taiwan, working with Mandarin-speaking Chinese, of whom only about 3 percent are Christian, less than 0.3 percent in the Dodds' area in central rural Taiwan. The challenges include strong family ties rooted in ancestor worship make becoming a Christian difficult, and make becoming a Christian leader almost impossible. [...]
4000-671-Simons, Rus and Ramona
As Global Specialists, Russ continues in semi regular involvement with partnership issues/virtual gatherings and mentoring. He finds those extremely gratifying to see younger leaders providing godly leadership and maturing in their own spheres of influence. Ramona continues with virtual mentoring of 2 young leaders in the Philippines and advising their leadership. Both hope to make [...]
4000-681-Slater, Kirk and Laura
Kirk was born in Cote d’Ivoire to medical missionaries, and sensed a call to serve God in missions as a child, while Laura found her call after high school. We first came to Uganda in 1997 and spent 12 years in fruitful church planting and leadership development in a rural town. Our 4 sons were [...]
4000-684-Sorensen, Skip and Ruth
New churches are springing up all over Uganda. Having suffered during the reign of Idi Amin and several wars, many Ugandans are receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Christians of Uganda are making great headway in sharing the good news with their people, winning many of them to Christ. However, this explosion of [...]
4000-623-Ragsdale, Rod and Angelika
TAGLINE: Leadership Training and Community Development In 1990, we started our ministries in West Africa - initially separated from each other as singles. God brought us together in 1999 and in 2000 we started our joint service in Cote d'Ivoire. OUR FOCUS IN MINISTRY Leadership Training and Community Development We work with a church organization [...]
4000-652-Schaaf, Mark and Kathy
Mark and Kathy have been serving with WorldVenture since 1991. Their journey began with 13 years in the Middle East, spent doing evangelism and discipleship, followed by 9 years in South Africa, planting a local church and providing pastoral training. Currently based in Atlanta, GA, Mark still travels extensively—with over 70 countries stamped in his [...]
4000-575-Penney, Dan and Esther
After 20 years of developing leadership in West Africa, Dan and Esther Penney said goodbye to their Senegal team. Dan recognized a greater need than staying in Senegal. His missionary experience showed him that Global Workers needed a “translator” to help them unravel the mysteries of missionary finances. Dan combines extensive field experience with financial [...]
4000-510-Newkirk, Steve and Laura
Ministry Summary: Roughly 16 million people live in Senegal, about one-fifth of them live in Dakar, the capital city. Since 95% of the Senegalese population claim Islam as their religion, we hear the Muslim call to prayer five times a day. Rejoice with us! On December 11, 2022, we had our first church service in [...]
4000-020-Allen, Rod and Jackie
Serving in Northwest Argentina through leadership development. The Allens work with all classes of people in Northwest Argentina, from the wealthy to the poor, from the highly educated to the illiterate. Pray that God will give them the opportunity to motivate North American Christians to reach the world for Christ. Rod and Jackie Allen are [...]
4000-038-Bennett, Gary and Barb
Serving in church development, leadership training and developing a children's music ministry in Rwanda. Rwandans come from three ethnic groups: Hutu (84 percent), Tutsi (15 percent) and Twa (Pygmoid) (1 percent). About 90 percent of the people are involved in agriculture and everyone speaks the same language, Kinyarwanda. Pray that God would raise up and [...]
4000-707-Tissell, Bruce
Preparing future generations of leaders and pastors for the Brazilian church. Pray for Bruce as he directs the Seminary in Teresina, Piauí. Pray that he would take the many opportunities to disciple men and women both in and outside of classroom settings. About me: Bruce was raised in a Christian home. At the age of [...]
4000-140-Davis, Jon and Jenny
Jonathan and Jennifer Davis are currently working in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Jonathan founded The Ideas Workshop which is a ministry that gives hope and changes lives through Discipleship, Vocational Training, and Business. The Ideas Workshop works with hearing impaired young people to train them in Bible study, wood working, and metal fabrication. [...]
4000-452-Mayhugh, Paul and Diana
Serving with the Great Wall Ministries team in Macau. The Mayhughs minister to lower educated laborers, middle class families and college students, as well as Chinese university students and church pastors who are committed, teachable and independent. During this past term, Paul Mayhugh has been working on his doctorate of philosophy degree at the China [...]
4000-502-Nelson, Wayne and Melody
Every time we heard a missionary speaker during our early years of marriage, we would ask ourselves, "Could God use us in that ministry?,’” say Wayne and Melody Nelson. Finally an opportunity fit, and WorldVenture appointed the Nelsons in 1983 for ministry in Cote d’Ivoire. In July 1985, they arrived in France for language study [...]
4000-435-Macomber, Dave and Martha
Pastoral training and development in the Philippines. Filipino pastors may have some formal training but need personal refreshment and continuing education. The Macombers are also working with younger students in full-time training. Both Dave and Martha grew up in Christian homes and were "preacher's kids." Both received Christ during their childhood and were educated in [...]
4001-936-Kognon, Keo
I teach the students at Bethel Bible School, and work with local believers and church leaders. I was born in an unbelieving family in the north of Côte d’Ivoire in 1969. I became a Christian in 1984. I was married in 1998 to Lydie and we have 3 children (Stephane, Michael and Prisca). I have [...]
4000-189-Copeland, Chris and Joi
The Need: Ireland is a beautiful country, but it is steeped in spiritual darkness. The Irish are a welcoming and hospitable people, but many are lost in a growing hopelessness. Ireland once had a deep Christian history. Now, it is considered post-Church and they are rapidly abandoning faith in God and replacing it with secularism [...]
4000-134-Pirolo, Nick and Krystal
We train church leaders and medical professionals in Rwanda to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, that the Church in Rwanda would operate as the Body of Christ. Challenges: Learning Kinyarwanda, the heart language of all Rwandans Remembering to keep Christ at the center of all we do: working at the clinic and [...]
4000-168-Meeko, Andy and Junko
From Tokyo we mobilize worldwide for discipleship, evangelism, and mental wholeness. It's hard to admit, we are celebrating more than 80 years of combined ministry to Japan. Junko is born and bred in Japan and was ministering long before meeting Andy. As the youngest son of missionaries to Japan, Andy knew the challenges of ministering [...]
4000-138-Brown, Drew and Michele
Equipping Pastors and Missionaries in Costa Rica Drew and Michele Brown are both Ohio natives who discovered their shared passion for missionary service during a college trip to the rainforests of the Amazon. There they discovered how under-resourced the global church is for training leaders. They’ve been working together since then to help meet this [...]
4000-578-Perrello, Tony and Ming
Mobilizing future missionaries! Pray for open hearts on both sides of the ocean and close relationships that lead people closer to Jesus and doing God's will. About Me: Tony Perrello is serving WorldVenture as a missions mobilizer for the churches on the East Coast. He seeks to develop powerful partnerships with churches and individuals here [...]
4000-087-Tokar, Joshua and Svitlana
Ukraine Prayer Guide Available (2022) Download by Clicking Here! The Tokars partner with the Ukrainian church to equip ministers of the Gospel from Ukraine and other former Soviet countries. Josh and Svitlana Tokar both came to know Christ at a young age. Josh was born and raised in a Christian home in Elk River, Minnesota, [...]
4000-166-Messick, Matt and Kristy
We're a family that can stand on the rooftop and shout of the Lord's faithfulness! We are so excited and humbled that we get to serve Him in Ecuador. The Lord brought us together in 2001 as we both found ourselves on a rickety bus traveling along the dusty roads of West Africa. It didn't [...]
4000-107-Johnson, Nathan and Bethany
Church Planting in Austria Nathan and Bethany's ministry focus is church planting amongst German speakers in the Vienna area. They are partnering with an Austrian-led church association to plant a church on the northern side of the city, an area where there is currently no gospel-preaching church and a growing population. Nate and Bethany also [...]