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4000-545-Lee, Colton

Psalm 57:9-10 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. As I look across my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at the countless displays of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness towards me. In light of God’s transformative grace as revealed on the cross of Christ, I can’t help but proclaim His praises among the nations! Admittedly, the nations weren’t always on the forefront of my mind as a young follower of Jesus. It…
July 2, 2024

4000-541-Saavedra, Ana Maria

Ana Maria Saavedra will be serving with restoration Ministries where she will spend most of her time with under-resourced kids living in harsh conditions/situations in São Paulo, Brazil. "I will be serving at Restoration Ministries where I will spend most of my time with under-resourced kids living in harsh circumstances/situations teaching them English and providing quality education to help get them out of the slums or favelas. I want to invite you on this journey with me to further the Lord’s kingdom and spread the love of Christ to these families that I will be serving. Through this experience, I…
May 30, 2024

4000-540-Jenkins, Elle

Elle Jenkins is a junior at Liberty University in Virginia. "Recently, I felt the calling to tell others about Jesus through intercultural communication. I am looking forward to serving with WorldVenture and Restoration Ministries in Brazil! I chose to work with Restoration Ministries in Brazil because I want to share the gospel with children. There, we will be working in the Favelas of São Paulo to lead Bible studies and provide counseling for children and those who live in the slums. I am so excited to go on this journey with WorldVenture, and I pray for strength and safety for…
April 23, 2024

4000-534-Massaglia, Erin

Erin is a high school senior from Kansas who will be graduating in May, 2024 and serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil with Restoration Ministries. Restoration ministers to underprivileged youth and their families. Erin feels a strong pull towards ministry as she looks to her next season of life. "I decided to look into WorldVenture for temporary cross-cultural ministry to see if this is the type of ministry the Lord is calling me to longer term. I felt called towards Restoration Ministries because of the youth program. I have been living/working at a church camp for the past 10 years, so…
April 4, 2024

1100-953-Redeau, Tania

Tania works with Adrienne Livingston as part of the Anti-Sex Trafficking Initiatives team as the Girl Empowerment Coordinator. "Prior to the position, I worked for the federal government for 17 years, working in budget and a national Indian Health Service (IHS) and Tribal Health Program (THP) where veterans received care in the community. I am most excited about joining the team to help women and girls empower themselves against domestic abuse and sex trafficking prevention. It is important to equip them with self-confidence and the ability to protect themselves if the need arises. My favorite scripture, Ephesians 6:10-18, relates to…
April 19, 2023

4000-465-Brian and Melanie Stark

We are passionate about seeing workers thrive, not merely survive on the field, and will be developing, coaching and training global workers for long-term Gospel impact! Specifically, we will be coaching and mentoring more than 50 workers who will be serving in their first-term on the field in the Asia-Pacific Region, as well as leading and overseeing WorldVenture’s short-term initiatives globally. While we both began following Jesus at a young age, our journeys were quite different. Brian’s strong supportive home and input from mentors in his teens gave him a strong footing. After leading a child to Jesus one summer…
November 2, 2021

4000-177-Eckelberry, Sandy

After over 30 years working in the Philippines, I transitioned to be part of the WorldVenture-Americas Team in March, 2020. Part of my role includes reaching out to internationals and refugees to help them with a heart-felt need–-learning English. As internationals living in another country, transitions and acculturation can feel overwhelming, especially if communication is challenging. ESL (English as a Second Language) online gives the opportunity to build bridges of friendship in which I can share God’s love with them. Not only do we pray that they will feel more comfortable and adjusted here in the USA, but that they…
October 26, 2021

4000-118-Worker Name Withheld

Serving the church in the US through pastoral leadership and mission mobilization. Finishing organizational leadership doctoral work with a focus on global, groups, and theological perspectives with the goal of providing leadership consulting to WV global fields.
November 30, 2020

4000-421-Ray Follmer

My Heart All throughout scripture, God displays His heart to see peoples of every language, culture, and nation come to know him through the message of the Gospel. The Lord is using short-term missions to serve long-term field workers, have significant ministry impact, and reach nations who have never heard the good news of Christ. I am honored to use our experience in Japan and my heart for the unreached as the Global Short Term Facilitator and play a part in what God is doing all over the world! My Role I will be working with churches and individuals who…
November 13, 2020

4000-182-Engel, Rocky and Sylvia

Working alongside Venezuelans, the Engels are taking advantage of the difficult situation in Venezuela to proclaim Christ in word and deed with the purpose of building His church in this country. Since September of 2017, they have been working in Caracas, in partnership with the Encuentro Con Dios Church, facilitating a five-prong ministry effort: * Food and Literature distribution every other Saturday. * Outreach into a public hospital, which is populated by the poor and disenfranchised that cannot afford private health care. * Ministry to those who live with disability. * Regular financial help to pay for services of rehabilitation…
October 9, 2020

4000-325-Johns, Bob and Lidia

Serving in Uruguay. The general population of Uruguay is largely a mix of European backgrounds, mostly Spanish and Italian. About us: Bob became a Christian at a camp at the age of ten. He came to northwest Argentina in 1982, and worked in church development, seminary extension, and teaching in a seminary. Lidia accepted Christ at the age of 14 in her home through an American missionary. She met Bob in 1990 while they were working together in the same church, and the two were married in 1993. The Johns were invited to help start a new ministry in Buenos…
October 6, 2020

4000-350-Karch, Rob and Martine

Our passion is to see a wave of gospel-centered disciples making disciples wash over St Jérôme, Québec, and the French-speaking world… seeing thousands of people reconciled to the God of the universe, lives transformed, marriages healed, families reconciled, neighborhoods shaken, and the DNA of countries fundamentally changed. Rob was born in the birthplace of Grunge, Starbucks, and Microsoft (otherwise known as Seattle) and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I studied theology at Davis college, met Martine in Paris while in the midst of the birth of a new French church (over the course of two summers), married Martine, moved to…
October 6, 2020

4000-367-Klingsmith, Scott and Chery

After almost 30 years of living with multiple sclerosis, Scott’s wife Carol graduated to heaven on January 8, 2019. She leaves a big hole in the lives of those she loved and who loved her. In September of 2021, Scott and Chery Flores were married after God brought us together in an amazing way. Chery had served on church planting teams with another mission agency in Spain for 12 years. She recently finished an MDiv with a focus on missionary care, and since the summer of 2023 has served as part of the missionary care team at Missions Door, a…
October 6, 2020

4000-249-Gupta, Jason and Kerri

Jason and Kerri Gupta are Global Directors of the Americas for WorldVenture, overseeing nearly 100 global workers in 10 mission fields, in North, Central, and South America. Before taking this role in 2022, the Guptas spent 17 years training Christian leaders in Ukraine and 8 years as the area director team in Europe. With their homebase in Colorado Springs, CO, they travel across Latin America, Canada, and the USA to work with WorldVenture personnel and ministries, providing oversight, member care, ministry direction, and mission strategy. Please pray for them and for their daughters, Casey and Sophie (Casey is a currently…
October 6, 2020

4000-141-Davis, Ken and Luci

Executive Director of Edicoes Vida Nova (New Life Publishing). Our mission is to promote and publish God’s truth for the edification of His churches and their leaders. Vida Nova publishes with a ministry vision committed to the inerrancy of Scriptures, the sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Christ for salvation. Pray that church leaders will be faithful in their walk with God, uncompromising in their ministry and focused on the eternal rewards of God’s kingdom instead of the temporal rewards of this life! About us: Luci was born in Brazil and met Ken when he first went to Brazil…
October 6, 2020

4000-652-Schaaf, Mark and Kathy

Mark and Kathy have been serving with WorldVenture since 1991. Their journey began with 13 years in the Middle East, spent doing evangelism and discipleship, followed by 9 years in South Africa, planting a local church and providing pastoral training. Currently based in Atlanta, GA, Mark still travels extensively—with over 70 countries stamped in his passport—doing teacher training and leadership development around the globe. Vision & Approach “Being a catalyst for gospel movements through equipping, training, and coaching”—that’s Mark’s vision, which is brought to life via collaboration and partnership. As Walk Thru the Bible’s International Training Director, he partners with…
October 6, 2020

4000-575-Penney, Dan and Esther

After 20 years of developing leadership in West Africa, Dan and Esther Penney said goodbye to their Senegal team. Dan recognized a greater need than staying in Senegal. His missionary experience showed him that Global Workers needed a “translator” to help them unravel the mysteries of missionary finances. Dan combines extensive field experience with financial aptitude. He brings to the Finance Department an understanding of the challenges of living overseas, and especially of managing money overseas. This background allows him to help Global Workers manage ministry finances more efficiently. Dan says, “My personal mission to make managing ministry funds as…
October 6, 2020

4000-043-Berkey, David and Jerrine

Starting churches in Caracas, Venezuela The challenges are many in this place of political tension, shortages, hyperinflation, crime, corruption, and mass emigration. - How do you follow Christ in this environment? - How do you help others follow Christ in this environment? - How do you grow a healthy, biblical church in this environment? Pray for strength and commitment for believers in spite of political, social and economic tension. Pray for the development of biblically-solid Venezuelan leadership for local churches. David and Jerrine Berkey have been with WorldVenture in Venezuela since 1992. They live and work in Caracas, where they…
October 6, 2020

4000-020-Allen, Rod and Jackie

Serving in Northwest Argentina through leadership development. The Allens work with all classes of people in Northwest Argentina, from the wealthy to the poor, from the highly educated to the illiterate. Pray that God will give them the opportunity to motivate North American Christians to reach the world for Christ. Rod and Jackie Allen are both passionate about seeing people grow in their personal relationship with the Lord. Rod first accepted Christ as a young child, but it wasn't until college that Rod realized his need to serve Him. As a result, he left his plans to be a doctor…
October 6, 2020

4000-055-Shogren, Gary and Karen

Equipping Organizations To Prevent And Respond To Sexual Harm An 8-week education course. Learn More And Register here! About Karen Karen grew up near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and graduated with undergrad degrees in Bible and Church Music from Cairn University (formerly Philadelphia College of Bible). She studied Biblical Counseling at Misio Seminary (formerly Biblical Seminary) before she and her husband Gary were called to serve in San José, Costa Rica in 1998 with Latin America Mission. Beginning in 2000, Karen worked in member care, writing curricula to provide various levels of orientation and re-entry training to Missionary Kids and their parents,…
October 6, 2020

4000-704-Thorp, Jim and Corinne

Global Specialists Preparing WorldVenture missionaries to make the transition to their next ministry phase (sometimes called retirement) and encouraging mission organizations to better honor the workers who served the cause of Christ in their organizations. Pray that God would give them the ability to plan the Emeritus event with WorldVenture workers each July to provide resources to prepare them for retirement. Pray for their role to facilitate the work of the Alliance for Missionary Seniors which has a vision to better honor the workers who served under the various mission organizations. About us: Jim and Corinne served as missionaries in…
September 24, 2020

4000-707-Tissell, Bruce

Preparing future generations of leaders and pastors for the Brazilian church. Pray for Bruce as he directs the Seminary in Teresina, Piauí. Pray that he would take the many opportunities to disciple men and women both in and outside of classroom settings. About me: Bruce was raised in a Christian home. At the age of five, he accepted Christ as his Savior. Bruce´s parents always opened the house for missionaries who came through to visit their church. Because of this, he came to know missionaries as real people, and not people who came through only once every now and then.…
September 2, 2020

4000-711-Thompson, RS

Mentoring and Equipping the Global Church to Reached the Least Reached While attending Bible college in the Boston area, God used a spiritual conversation with a Moroccan gas station attendant to burden Ralph’s heart for Muslims. Because of this gentleman’s passion to convert Ralph to Islam, and because of his polemic arguments that were difficult to answer, Ralph was driven to learn more about Islam and how he could reach his new friend. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, anger, fear, and mistrust of Muslims grew across the U.S. and the world. This only deepened Ralph’s burden for…
September 2, 2020

4000-662-Schneider, Terry and Donna

Terry and Donna Jeanne Schneider serve in Lynchburg, VA, mobilizing students at Liberty University, as well as couples in the area who are considering mission service. The Schneiders initially worked with refugees for 22 years in Austria. The Lord redirected them in 2013 to focus their efforts on mobilizing new workers to go and reach the nations for Christ. They love mentoring and helping those called to discern their next step in missions. If you would like to partner with the Schneiders in prayer and financial giving to help, send new workers into the harvest, click "give now" and they…
September 2, 2020

4000-452-Mayhugh, Paul and Diana

Serving with the Great Wall Ministries team in Macau. The Mayhughs minister to lower educated laborers, middle class families and college students, as well as Chinese university students and church pastors who are committed, teachable and independent. During this past term, Paul Mayhugh has been working on his doctorate of philosophy degree at the China Graduate School of Theology in Hong Kong. Paul has also been involved in directing a ministry focused on working with the Chinese people. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of Great Hope Church in Macau. Paulês wife, Diana, continues to serve as a mentor-teacher…
September 2, 2020

4001-477-Mota, Ireni

Transforming underprivileged children at Restoration Ministries. Restoration Ministries (RM) is an exciting outreach ministry to the poor and downcast in Sao Paulo, Brazil. For many of these children, the reality of their lives center on drugs, domestic violence, prostitution and a poverty so severe that there is often no food to eat. The mission of RM is to transform underprivileged children and their communities through the good news of Jesus Christ, equipping them to serve. The ministry reaches into children's lives through many opportunities, including weekly evangelism programs in different slum areas, home visitation, church planting, leadership training, on-going discipleship,…
September 2, 2020

4000-028-Axline, Bill and Linda

Training Christian workers and leaders among Chinese disciples through instruction, modeling, and life situations, and assisting churches in developing intentional discipleship ministries, particularly among the Chinese. In both the U.S. and Asia, the Axlines minister primarily to Chinese young men and women, and to churches seeking to build disciples among the Chinese. Bill and Linda joined the WorldVenture family in 1997 and began their Mandarin language studies in Taiwan. Then in 2000, they were appointed as career missionaries to the field in Macau, where they assisted in planting Great Praise Church and worked evangelizing and building disciples among Chinese students…
September 2, 2020

4000-132-CJ & Mary Mihalko

Incarnational Work Among Refugees, Immigrants, and other Displaced Peoples There are thousands of people who have immigrated to our region from very difficult places in the world. Many of these "outsiders" have never heard the good news of Jesus although their culture is steeped in religion. When they arrive, they are often ostracized by the locals because of their religion, country of origin or because they are stereotyped as extremists. We desire to show them the love of Jesus and set an example for the Church to follow in being the hands and feet of Jesus to their new neighbors.…
August 12, 2020

4000-369-Schulz, Rachael

The mission God has placed on my heart is to create awareness of sex trafficking in Portland, Oregon (where I live). To educate, equip and empower the church and faith community to engage in this issue in order to protect youth and prevent this darkness from advancing. My heart is educating women and girls. Follow Me on Instagram!
February 27, 2020

4000-334-Knutson, Sam and Emma

God has called us to build the Kingdom alongside the people of Guayaquil, Ecuador. We serve through providing education to prevent violence in families as well as spaces for healing and restoration in the lives of children and women who have been victimized. Our Ministry: We are sent to Ecuador by WorldVenture, a missions organization with over seventy-five years of experience in caring for the missionaries it supports so that those missionaries can all the more serve in the Kingdom of God. We have already felt the care and backing that is ingrained in the culture of this organization. On…
February 12, 2020

4000-001-Sperling, Neal and Sherri

We will host a Guest House for Missions travelers and a Respite House for Missionaries to be refreshed and ministered to. Our main focus will be loving and supporting those who are reaching the unreached. In addition we plan to teach and lead prayer journeys and conduct prayer retreats. Married in 1971 our ministry in early years was bearing, fostering and hosting children ... three biological, three adopted, 30 foster children, and five exchange students! When the kids grew our ministry took place more and more on an international basis, participating in 26 short term trips between us. In addition…
February 12, 2020

4000-294-Caucutt, David and Kristen

To equip the church to make mature disciples of Christ in Loja, Ecuador. In 2014, David came across a request for help in Loja, Ecuador. God began to make us sensitive to this need and burdened our hearts to pray about whether there was something He wanted us to do to help. God confirmed this calling, and, after much preparation, brought us to Ecuador in September 2020. We look back and see how God has been writing this story long before we realized it. Since 2005, David has been involved in short-term missions, evangelism, discipleship, and youth ministry in our…
February 12, 2020

4000-241-Hahn, Nikole

Newsletters to Sign Up For: - Once Per Month Ministry Updates and Prayer Points Digital Engagement and Disciple-Making Coordinator Serves and assists WorldVenture’s global disciple-making efforts and uses digital channels to advance the mission and vision of WorldVenture, increasing awareness and engagement across numerous web and social media properties and channels. I work to remain current and knowledgeable in best digital practices, training WorldVenture workers and partners in digital disciple-making tools. To learn more about me, take a look at my website. Where Else You Can Find Nikki * The Christian Girl's Tea Podcast * 1for50 "How to Use Social…
February 12, 2020

4000-155-Campbell, April

We are looking to establish training for businesses, mentoring and discipleship for those who are interested in cross-cultural missions. We are also going to have missions and Bible courses. Pray that God would raise up Costa Ricans to be sent to the unreached of the world. About me: I was brought up in a solid Christian family and came to know Jesus Christ early in life. I was always interested in missions and went on several short-term missions trips as I was growing up and after college. I enjoyed opportunities in sports ministry and when the opportunity to use surfing…
February 12, 2020

4000-265-Hocutt, Keith and Joelle

We will be assisting the church planting efforts of the local Ecuadorian church through discipleship and music/drama ministry in the city of Loja and throughout the province. Although officially there is religious freedom in Ecuador, family and religious leaders make it very difficult on new believers often disowning them and asking the community to boycott their businesses . Traditions are exalted above biblical accuracy. Please pray for people to be moved to partner with us to see transformed lives in Ecuador and for discipleship opportunities while we share our story with others. Pray for the ministry that has already begun…
February 12, 2020

4001-950-Du Plessis, Eugene and Veronica

My name is Eugene Du Plessis. I’m a South African-born Bolivian national. I'm married to Veronica, a Bolivian. We have been married for 7 years. We have two children Jonathan, 6, and Isabella, 2-years old. I’m a Bible and Worldview teacher at Carachipampa Christian School in Cochabamba Bolivia. I'm also a secretary and the sports coordinator of the Foundation, LLAMA2. I run a small sports ministry through our local church called Dios en Cristo. It uses Floorball, Futsal (indoor soccer), and Basketball to show God's love, drawing children into the local evangelical church through friendship. We focus on children between…
February 12, 2020

4000-208-Atkins, Rob and Lisa

We operate a rescue and transition home for young women 18 years and older. We help them to transition into adults for life here in Bolivia. Most of them come from orphanages even though they may not be true orphans. We offer them a low cost, safe place to live while they work part time and attend school. We teach them about Jesus, to budget money, be good employees, practice spiritual disciples and general life skills. Our hope is that when they leave us, they will be productive members of Bolivian society and active members of a local church. We…
February 12, 2020

4000-255-Ware, Nancy

Nancy serves among the refugees in northeast Ohio who originate from Myanmar. There are approximately 1000 people in Summit County Ohio. That number is continually growing. They have several faith backgrounds including Animism, Buddhism, other faiths including Christianity. Most faiths are syncretized. The main challenge is that ethno-centricity hinders growth of the church. Many do not understand the concept of receiving Christ and following Him. About me: Raised in a Christian home, Nancy accepted Christ as a 7th grader. She was active in her local church's bus ministry and taught the kindergarten Sunday school class. After earning her Master's degree,…
February 12, 2020

4000-366-King, Roberta

Making Jesus Christ known through the cultural musics of various people groups! Roberta R. King, Ph.D., communicates the gospel through contextualized worship arts and desires to make Jesus Christ known through the cultural musics of various people groups. Dr. King introduced studies in Christian Music Communication at Daystar University in Kenya. A missionary pioneer in ethnomusicology with WorldVenture, Dr. King has taught at Fuller Seminary since 2000. Her passion is to help believers grapple with issues in music, culture, and the church in cross-cultural mission. She is currently completing a research project on 'Songs of Peace and Reconciliation among Muslims…
February 12, 2020

1100-838-Ellison, Gordon and Rita

Gordon Ellison serves with WorldVenture as a member of the Mobilization Ministries Team. His ministry focuses on three important areas: missions promotion and education through the local church, missions mentoring, and member care. Gordon equips pastors and local church leaders in the development of effective strategies toward the clarification and accomplishment of their church’s mission, locally and globally. Gordon also influences others as they grow in their awareness of God’s specific leading toward missions, and encourages, strengthens and provides pastoral care to missionaries and their families. Born in England and spending the first nine years of his life in Belfast,…
February 12, 2020

4000-082-Lopez, John and Laurie

John and Laurie Lopez are working together to minister to kids at risk, and their families in a poor neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia. Laurie worked many years at Multnomah Bible College in the Missions Department in Portland, OR and also helped at her church, Hinson Baptist Church, with the young adults group. During that time, she took various teams on short-term mission trips to Medellin, Colombia. Each time she returned from Medellin, her heart felt a strong pull to return. She eventually was invited by a foundation in Colombia to join their team. While praying about the opportunity, she sought…
February 12, 2020

4000-138-Brown, Drew and Michele

Equipping Pastors and Missionaries in Costa Rica Drew and Michele Brown are both Ohio natives who discovered their shared passion for missionary service during a college trip to the rainforests of the Amazon. There they discovered how under-resourced the global church is for training leaders. They’ve been working together since then to help meet this need. From 2016-2021, the Browns served in Africa, translating the Bible and teaching young church leaders how to share it with a largely illiterate community. In 2022, they moved to Costa Rica where they educate church leaders and train Costa Rican missionaries. The Brown’s primary…
February 12, 2020

4000-088-Calva, Leo and Maria

Leo's journey began in Ecuador, later becoming the backdrop of his mission. His encounter with the Lord at the age of 20 marked a transformative moment in his life. After completing his college education in Ecuador, he embarked on a new chapter in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, where he enrolled in Bible School at Rio Grande College, further deepening his faith. Lourdes was born in Mexico and raised in Texas. She came to know the Lord through a Vacation Bible School when she was 14 years old. She has been actively serving in the local church. Leo and Lourdes' paths…
February 12, 2020

1100-847-Hagquist, Gloria

Gloria and Timothy serve in outreach to students at John Brown University (JBU) and Young Adults in their church and community. Many of the students are Missionary Kids (MK’s) and International Students. Serving includes evangelism, mentoring, encouragement, and discipling those desiring to work cross-culturally for Kingdom building. About Us: Timothy and Gloria served as WorldVenture Missionaries in the Philippines, and upon returning to the United States they continued to serve with WorldVenture as part of the Church-Missionary Relationship Team. They currently serve with Mobilization, working with students at JBU, at their church and in their community in Arkansas. Timothy is…
February 12, 2020

4000-578-Perrello, Tony and Ming

Mobilizing future missionaries! Pray for open hearts on both sides of the ocean and close relationships that lead people closer to Jesus and doing God's will. About Me: Tony Perrello is serving WorldVenture as a missions mobilizer for the churches on the East Coast. He seeks to develop powerful partnerships with churches and individuals here and abroad to see people transformed by Jesus Christ. Tony was born and raised in New York and became a Christian in high school. His wife, Ming, was born in Taiwan and raised in New York. They married in 1987 and have two children: Micah…
February 12, 2020

4000-638-Roper, John and Joyce

Our names are John and Joyce Roper, and we are engaged in the ministry of pastoring, teaching, and discipling internationals in the Oklahoma City metro area. Some of the people we reach out to are only here for a year or so, making evangelism and long-term discipleship difficult. Our congregation is predominantly young and still growing in the Lord. Please pray for them to fully embrace all the plans and ministry that God has for them. About Us: In Jeremiah 1:5, God said that, even before Jeremiah was formed in his mother's womb, God knew him, and that even before…
February 12, 2020

4000-166-Messick, Matt and Kristy

We're a family that can stand on the rooftop and shout of the Lord's faithfulness! We are so excited and humbled that we get to serve Him in Ecuador. The Lord brought us together in 2001 as we both found ourselves on a rickety bus traveling along the dusty roads of West Africa. It didn't take more than a few days before we knew that He had brought us together for a purpose, and that we were being called to live life together serving as a team. Matt grew up in a Christian home, while Kristy was new to her…
February 12, 2020