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4000-157-Burnette, Daryl and Leah
Daryl and Leah met while in college and were married in 2006. It was through the adoption process that God began to work in their hearts about committing their lives to full-time missionary service. Leah graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2007 with a BS in Elementary Education and spent 6 [...]
4000-681-Slater, Kirk and Laura
Kirk was born in Cote d’Ivoire to medical missionaries, and sensed a call to serve God in missions as a child, while Laura found her call after high school. We first came to Uganda in 1997 and spent 12 years in fruitful church planting and leadership development in a rural town. Our 4 sons were [...]
4000-684-Sorensen, Skip and Ruth
New churches are springing up all over Uganda. Having suffered during the reign of Idi Amin and several wars, many Ugandans are receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Christians of Uganda are making great headway in sharing the good news with their people, winning many of them to Christ. However, this explosion of [...]
4000-123-Coon, Catharine
Click Here to visit Hope Alive! online. About Catharine Raised in a Christian family, Catharine Coon gave her life to the Lord as a child. She was active in her home church, moving over the years from assisting Sunday school teachers to serving as youth intern. But she never anticipated a call to the mission [...]
4000-140-Davis, Jon and Jenny
Jonathan and Jennifer Davis are currently working in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Jonathan founded The Ideas Workshop which is a ministry that gives hope and changes lives through Discipleship, Vocational Training, and Business. The Ideas Workshop works with hearing impaired young people to train them in Bible study, wood working, and metal fabrication. [...]
4000-378-Slone, Mark and Marchelle
Ministry Summary I, Mark, am a native of Baton Rouge, LA, and Marchelle is a native of Suffolk, VA. We met in Petersburg, VA, and have been married 39 years. We are the parents of two adult children, Markiya and Austin, and have three grandchildren. I am a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (2009, ThM). [...]
4000-246-Hansen, Hal and Terrie
We serve alongside local churches in Northern Uganda in a supportive role through discipleship and economic development of tradesmen and communities, helping with strategic planning and outreach with pastors. Our ministry includes administration of pastoral education and providing fresh water to communities through installation of shallow wells. Major challenges: - General lack of education in [...]
4000-236-Smagacz, Caleb and Suz
The Smagacz family moved to Uganda in February of 2017 with a passion to serve the children and families of the country. Not sure how it would all work out but confident in God’s call, the Smagacz’s spent years in language and cultural acquisition. In 2020, the call became clearer; Caleb accepted the position of [...]
4000-139-Hoglund, Karen
Strengthening the church through mentoring, discipleship, and short-term teams. It is my privilege to partner with Ugandan pastors and leaders, as well as my fellow missionaries to create, coordinate and lead short-term missions opportunities. The goal is both to build up the Ugandan church and to stretch and strengthen the faith of American believers. I [...]
4000-151-Van Wart, Matt and Elizabeth
About us: I, Matt, grew up as a pastor's kid. God was always a big part of my life. I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of four and a few years later was baptized by my Dad. I continued to be active in church as I grew. At the age of fourteen, [...]
4000-712-Turner, Darrie and Debbie
The Turners work with church leaders of rural Uganda who struggle with poverty, disease, hunger and war, making Bible training available to pastors in rural areas. A few of the ministry's challenges are: traveling throughout the country on poor roads to train local pastors, instilling a new hunger in pastors who have lost their appetite [...]