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6250-969-Children of Promise Building and Training Fund
This project supports Children of Promise to construct a new building. All the children in our school have heard a clear evangelistic message of Jesus and how by faith they can receive Christ as savior and follow him. We tell all who work with us from the church, to the teachers and people in the [...]
6439-908-Youth Prague
The purpose of the project is to help fund strategic youth ministries in Prague, Czech Republic, to Czechs, international third culture kids (TCKs) and missionary kids (MKs). PROBLEM The Czech Republic is the most atheistic country in Europe. Yet after decades of communism and consumerism, the people are spiritually hungry. Children and youth, especially, are [...]
6459-903-Asian Friendship
The Asian Friendship Center maintains a positive, Christian presence in the Forest Gate community of England, where many South Asians reside. Funds will be used for rent, utilities and supplies needed to support outreach programs. PROBLEM Of the more than 30,000 people in this half square mile of area, over 24,000 are South Asians, the [...]