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6420-904-Baptist Evan & Church Plant

The Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP) has set an aggressive goal of growing to 2025 churches by the year 2025. CBAP has targeted key cities across the country in which to field church planting teams, and is also challenging every church to train a pastor from their congregation and plant a daughter church [...]

6420-910-Music 180 Degrees

The 180 Degrees music team consists of youth ages 13-21 who make a two-year covenant to participate in this ministry. The group travels around the country presenting the gospel to youth through music and drama. PROBLEM Short-term missions for adults is new in the Philippines, but a two-year missions youth team is even more rare. [...]

6420-908-CBAP Missions

The Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP) has been promoting missions in its churches and some members are already serving overseas in several Asian countries. This project provides funds for CBAP to train and deploy church members as cross-cultural disciple-makers. VISION This project seeks to assist the Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines in [...]

6420-921-Community Transformation

The transformation of lives in a community should result in changes that go beyond spiritual salvation. Breaking the chains of poverty and dysfunctional social systems is the purpose of this project, by providing seed money for loans to deserving families or groups for starting small livelihood programs. VISION As we minister to the felt needs [...]

6420-916-CBAP Operations

This project assists the growing Philippine association of Conservative Baptist churches by helping them sustain a national office and its ministries in support of local churches. The association serves the churches in pastoral search, conferences and seminars, data-basing, and emergency aid. PROBLEM CB churches in the country are unable to adequately support the national office. [...]

6420-953-IGSL Operations

IGSL (International Graduate School of Leadership) is a graduate school operated by Campus Crusade for Christ International ("CRU"). This project will assist in its operating costs, scholarships, and development projects. PROBLEM Funding for IGSL is challenging because of the poverty of Asian students and churches. VISION This project is specifically designed for equipping leaders for [...]

6420-951-ATS Operations

Asian Theological Seminary (ATS), located in Manila, has served the evangelical community for 35 years. With a faculty of mostly Filipinos, the seminary seeks to glorify God by providing quality education that prepares workers for His church in Asia and around the world. PROBLEM Since many students are already in ministry, they only need assistance [...]

6420-931-Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation

The purposes of this project are to give immediate relief and to help with rehabilitation for those affected by natural disasters and political conflict. WV workers in the Philippines frequently have opportunities to share the love of God, establish new relationships, and open new doors of ministry by offering help in times of disaster and [...]

6420-928-CBS Asia Operations

CBS/A sponsors regional training centers for lay and pastoral training at the regional level and a pastoral ministries track specifically for pastoral training. It also networks with other schools and provides some scholarship help for qualified students in those institutions. Donations can be designated for regional training centers or office operations and staff. PROBLEM CBS/A [...]

6420-925-Visayas Church Planting Development

Funds are needed to promote church planting initiatives in the Visayas region of the Philippines. VISION Central and eastern Visayas in the central part of the Philippines, which includes seven major islands and over 10 million people, is the focus of aggressive church planting efforts. STRATEGY This fund seeks to provide assistance in a variety [...]