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6440-975-Good Sam Nepal Earthquake
On Saturday, April 25, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit the capital city of Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Then, on May 12, a second large earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 struck near Mount Everest, killing more than 40. Although seismologists have been predicting a large earthquake in this region [...]
6437-918-Humanitarian Fund
Prompted by the possibility of natural disasters or similar emergencies in Romania that leave families in great need, it was determined that a special project be created in order to make funds available for such situations. STRATEGY Requirements for usage of the funds are to be similar to WorldVenture's requirement for the Good Samaritan Fund. [...]
6454-906-Refugees & At-Risk Families
War is horrific. In addition to the significant numbers of dead and injured, the war in Lebanon has displaced a quarter of the population from their villages and homes. Hundreds of thousands are sheltering in public schools, many homes have 3-4 families living together, and the streets and squares are full of makeshift tents for [...]
6440-965-Good Sam Japan Earthquake
With each passing day, the news out of Japan remains grim in the aftermath of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami disasters. News of the crippled nuclear reactors and release of radiation only compound the stress and grief of survivors. In these dark hours, many individuals and churches want to express the love of Jesus [...]
Good Samaritan - Yogyakarta Earthquake
Early in the morning on May 27, 2006, a 6.2 earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Java, flattening buildings in the densely populated area south of the city of Yogyakarta, killing thousands and leaving many more homeless and vulnerable to disease. WorldVenture offices in the area and two key churches were severely damaged.. WorldVenture was [...]
6420-931-Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation
The purposes of this project are to give immediate relief and to help with rehabilitation for those affected by natural disasters and political conflict. WV workers in the Philippines frequently have opportunities to share the love of God, establish new relationships, and open new doors of ministry by offering help in times of disaster and [...]
6404-908-Emergency Assistance for Children/Families
Uganda has many needy people, many of whom could improve their situations if given help to meet a critical need. Funds from this project will provide emergency funding to assist individuals during difficult circumstances. PROBLEM Most Ugandans are unable to meet critical needs themselves and whole families suffer as a result. VISION God commands His [...]
6403-933-Famine Relief
Funds from this project will be used to purchase food staples that will be distributed to a devastated area of Senegal. PROBLEM A locust plague destroyed much of the crops in the area surrounding Diourbel. Chemicals used to control the infestation poisoned the plant life, which in turn, has killed many animals. VISION We want [...]