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6484-915-Beira United Primary School

Beira is a growing trade city in the heart of a developing Mozambique. The church has matured and aged significantly in the last few years, leaving sober minded Christians with no access to an evangelical educational option. Both the foreign Christian community and the local church feel this need and with proper direction, a non-denominational, [...]

6484-914-Club Rickshaws/Finish the Task Force

Club Rickshaws International provides all-inclusive visitor vouchers for short term teams and individual visitors to Mozambique Island and Rickshaws Boutique Hotel ministry site. Finish the Task Force The initiative will enable Rickshaws, over the next 10 years, to prayerfully accomplish: The Church: Contextualized expression of the Body of Christ. Construction/Restoration of Real Estate. Leadership Formation. [...]

6484-913-Paying It Forward

The idea is to promote discipleship through a foundation that marries cost-of-living expenses for the medical students to spiritual discipleship. The money cycles through four years and after graduation the student pays the money back for the next generation of young doctors. VISION This project will be self-sustaining and has a plan for Mozambican's to [...]

6484-911-Creative Arts Leadership Development

Christian Alliance for Creative Arts (ACAC) is a multi-disciplinary network of Christian artists and others committed to seeing Christian artists in Mozambique ministering in churches and in society with their art and with their lives. Objectives are to support the spiritual and artistic growth of artists and equip them as church leaders; to present Mozambican [...]


This internship provides a community-based learning environment where Mozambican and international interns will live together in community to learn from each other in areas of culture, language, leadership, theological issues and other ministry-related issues. The interns will work together to create a practical missional strategy for the community in which they are living, based on [...]