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6403-900-Senegal, Miscellaneous
As a team, we have a variety of ministries with the same goal – to Equip and Encourage Churches in Senegal. This fund will help the entire field. Sometimes, we use this for field-wide ministries. Other times, we will be able to use this fund for a ministry that is struggling. VISION Senegal is 95% [...]
6403-967-Non-Roman Script Wolof Publications
Only 57% of adults in Senegal are literate in the Roman script. But many parents send their children to Qur'anic schools where they learn to read the Arabic script. Wolof can be written with this Arabic alphabet (Wolofal, or Ajami Wolof). It would be good if we had the funds to publish the Wolof Bible [...]
6403-914-Church Building and Community Center
WE ARE ALMOST THERE! It has been our long-term goal to plant a church in Dakar that would use national languages (Wolof and Serer languages targeted) and worship in ways relevant to the culture. This directly fulfills WorldVenture’s global priority of establishing healthy, reproducing churches. THIS IS WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE: * December 11, [...]
6403-931-Children at Risk
This fund supports compassion outreaches that open hearts to the gospel: it pays for medical interventions, especially for street children, pays for education of orphans, helps sustain Christian widows who are rejected by their families, and pays for fuel for a national believer to witness to religious teachers in villages where the street children, widows [...]
6403-923-Scriptures to Music
It is said that music can capture the soul of a nation. Agsila has composed 40 songs to rhythms the Senegalese love from the Wolof Bible translations of her father. Much of her music is on social media where she has a following in the thousands. She has gone international, singing in concert halls in [...]
6403-976-Ajami Serer Publications
Only 57% of the population is literate, and that, in the Roman alphabet. But many parents send their children to Qur'anic schools where they learn to read the Arabic script. The Serer language can be written in both scripts. The churches want to reach the religious leaders in their villages with the scriptures in a [...]
6403-913-Publication of Wolof Scripture
Praise the Lord that funds are now on hand to print 12,000 Wolof Bibles and 3,000 or 4,000 separate New Testaments! Further donations, and funds from sales, go into this revolving fund to print single books, or selections of passages, for people to read and hopefully get interested to read the entire Bible. [...]
6403-953-Recorded Wolof Scripture
The Word of God in one's heart language is a powerful change agent. Senegalese believers who have attended French-speaking churches for years have finally understood the stories of the Bible after having heard the Bible in Wolof. Thus, the goal of this special project is to provide the Wolof Bible in oral means to an [...]
6403-942-Vocational Training
These funds will sponsor the training of workers by paying for their course work, food and/or room. Funds will also help purchase tools, materials or needed machines to encourage young men as they begin a career. Job skills will help provide for families, in a dignified way, who will then bless the church with tithes [...]
6403-945-Digital Players for Evangelism
Missionaries who want to see the church in Senegal strongly founded on the Word of God, have made the New Testament available in recorded format. Megavoice, a small, durable, and easy to use digital audio player with its own power source, can hold up to 180 hours of audio. Funds will be used to purchase [...]
6403-917-ITES Support for Nationals
The Institut de Theologie Evangelique du Senegal (ITES) trains national church leaders to help churches in Senegal. Currently there are a few nationals on staff at the school but ultimately it would be beneficial to have the school run completely by nationals. The administration would like to hire a full-time Senegalese director. PROBLEM The primary [...]
6403-933-Famine Relief
Funds from this project will be used to purchase food staples that will be distributed to a devastated area of Senegal. PROBLEM A locust plague destroyed much of the crops in the area surrounding Diourbel. Chemicals used to control the infestation poisoned the plant life, which in turn, has killed many animals. VISION We want [...]
6403-918-ITES Facilities
The Evangelical Institute of Dakar (IED) is in need of updated facilities. This school trains pastors and lay leaders in Senegal to help strengthen the national church. The funds from this project will be applied to the purchase of an existing building or land where the needed facilities can be built. PROBLEM Currently the school [...]
6403-912-Radio Evangelism
In a country of 18 million people where half are illiterate, it is imperative to disseminate the gospel through oral media. Listening to the radio, especially to local stations, is popular in Senegal. Local stations are making airtime available to churches and missions, sometimes freely or very economically. The Association of Evangelical Baptist Churches of [...]
6403-908-Ngaparou Campsite Development
This project provides funds for the renovation and development of a camp on the beach in Senegal. This campsite has been used for many years by people from all over Senegal. Many Senegalese have become Christians at the camp and many Christians have been strengthened in their faith. VISION By renovating existing structures, building new [...]
6403-907-Wolof Bible Translation #1 Advanced Regional
Now that the entire Bible is translated into Wolof, further donations to this project will facilitate the distribution and use of the Wolof scriptures: 1. Pay language helpers to revise the back translation of the Wolof Bible into French so that other translation teams can access it; 2. Pay language helpers to prepare a Reader's [...]
6403-901-Evangelical Institute Library
This project provides funds for the purchase of library resources for the Evangelical Institute of Dakar. This institute is the primary church leadership training school in Senegal. PROBLEM The institute's library currently holds approximately 3,000 volumes, but this includes English language resources as well as French. We need more French language theological resources on site [...]
6403-962-ITES Rural Pastors Training
Established in 1994 by several western missions (including WorldVenture) and several Senegalese national churches, the Evangelical Theology Institute of Senegal (ITES) is a Bible-based church leadership training school whose mission is to train indigenous leadership for the national church in Senegal and beyond. Currently 53 men and one woman have gone through this training program. [...]
6403-961-Women's Training Program
WorldVenture is endeavoring to equip female believers to serve their families, churches and communities as a follower of Christ through a training course called, Formation Lois. The goal of this project is to teach women in the villages the basics of the Christian faith and give them the tools and the confidence to continue growing [...]
6403-954-ITES Scholarships
Established in 1994 by several Western missions (including WorldVenture) and several Senegalese national churches, the Evangelical Theology Institute of Senegal (ITES) has been a cooperative effort ever since. ITES is a Bible-based church leadership training school whose mission is to train indigenous leadership for the national church in Senegal and beyond. This special project is [...]