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6462-945-FBH Prof. Subsidy

The Baptist Hospital in Feressedougou provides health services for the general rural population, which cannot support the salaries of medical professionals. A mission hospital is able to function in an independent financial state and be self-sustaining only due to the fact that the salaries of the professional personnel are subsidized through the support packages of [...]

6462-935-Hospital Medical Equipment

Renumbered from 6463905 CI/MMT Hospital Medical Equipment. The Baptist Mission Hospital seeks to provide the best medical care possible according to its capabilities. Up-to-date and well-maintained equipment is a necessity in meeting this goal. This project provides funds for the purchase of equipment, including an x-ray machine, operating room equipment, and other medical and lab [...]

6462-934-Hospital Education Fund

Renumbered from 6463904 CI/MMT Hospital Education. This project provides the needed funds for national hospital workers in Cote d'Ivoire to receive further medical training. PROBLEM Our desire is to have dedicated African Christian professionals in leadership roles at the hospital. The competition is so severe in the government training programs that the only way of [...]

6462-933-Baptist Hospital Compassion

In this time of crisis/post-crisis, the people are really hard hit economically and had trouble purchasing even the basic needs of life. Health care, although necessary, is often ignored until the last minute, which only increases prices for restoring ill health. It is hard to distinguish often times between the truly needy and those who [...]

6462-932-Ferke Hospital Fund

Giving to this project is the perfect opportunity to diversify contributions as the money will help many projects associated with the Ferke hospital in Côte d’Ivoire. This project supplements the cost of construction, education and equipment purchases as needed. Money is dispersed based on the urgency of the request. PROBLEM Essential laboratory equipment and a [...]

6416-910-Medgo (Supporting Missionaries)

MedGo (Medical Go) was established in 2007 for the purpose of recruiting and sending committed Indonesian Christian professionals into remote parts of Indonesia in partnership with local churches to provide compassionate, high quality, affordable healthcare in the name of Jesus. [...]

6416-903-Bethesda Hospital Buildings and Infrastructure

Bethesda Hospital was established in 1974 to share the good news of salvation in Jesus with the people in West Kalimantan. Buildings and site infrastructure require constant maintenance, replacement, remodeling and new construction. Funds will be collected in this account and disbursed as new projects are identified and published. [...]

6419-914-Taj Guest House

Shikarpur Christian Hospital personnel have been pleased to host several short-term nurses. More short-termers are anticipated in the future. PROBLEM Two apartments are available to house these short-termers, but neither is completely outfitted with needed furniture and appliances. Money is needed to purchase these needed items. CAPACITY Two refrigerators: $375 each Stove: $477 Used air [...]

6404-904-Pastors Medical Fund

This project will provide funds for pastors in Uganda who need major medical care for themselves and their immediate family. At present, pastors must struggle to come up with the funds or face dire consequences, even death. PROBLEM Rural pastors face major medical challenges every day in Uganda, challenges that could potentially wipe them out [...]

6416-906-Bethesda Hospital Equipment

Medical equipment is expensive and needs ongoing maintenance and periodic replacement. Funds will be used to reduce the cost to Bethesda Hospital for acquiring this equipment. [...]