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6454-902-Safe Haven Society
- Safe Haven Society opened its doors in 2007 with Safe Haven Home for Girls, a foster home for abused and disadvantaged girls in Beirut, Lebanon. In 2019, Safe Haven started the transition towards non-residential care, first with an online homework help program for children affected by the Beirut explosion, and then opening the doors [...]
6454-901-Children of Tahaddi
Tahaddi (“challenge” in Arabic) is a Lebanese NGO established in 2008 to respond transformatively to the challenges of urban poverty in Hay el Gharbeh, southern Beirut. Tahaddi works with families in Hay el Gharbeh who face extreme socioeconomic hardship. Tahaddi operates community-based centers, focused on providing non-formal education, psychosocial support, and health services. In addition, [...]
6454-906-Refugees & At-Risk Families
War is horrific. In addition to the significant numbers of dead and injured, the war in Lebanon has displaced a quarter of the population from their villages and homes. Hundreds of thousands are sheltering in public schools, many homes have 3-4 families living together, and the streets and squares are full of makeshift tents for [...]