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6404-933-Kasese Radio

Agape Radio is a ministry of Baptist churches in Kasese, Uganda. With a projected audience of up to 4 million people in western Uganda and eastern Congo, there is a tremendous potential for outreach and discipleship. Given the very rural nature of the area, radio is an ideal way of reaching not only the many [...]

6404-902-Acacia International School Land

Acacia International School (AIS) currently operates from two small and rented campuses in Kampala. This project is to assist the ministry and mission of AIS in purchasing land for a permanent site for the school. [...]

6404-903-Ideas Workshop

The Ideas Workshop is a Christian non-profit NGO registered in Uganda. The Ideas Workshop was run as a pilot project in 2013 with two interns. In 2014, the Internship in Discipleship (IiD is now the first level of training) ran with 5 interns. 2015 blasted off with 5 more interns in IiD and the Work-Study [...]

6404-936-Hope and Light

Hope Alive! is partnering with Lumi in donating a good quality solar lamp to a Hope Alive! family in exchange for a $40 donation to Hope Alive! If the donor is a Hope Alive! sponsor, the lamp will go to the family of the student sponsored by the donor; otherwise, the lamp will be given [...]

6404-935-127 Uganda Initiative

Bringing Healing to Children in Uganda The 1:27 Uganda Initiative is based on the admonition of James 1:27, specifically caring for orphans. The project is designed to provide necessary surgery for orphan children in Uganda. These surgeries might be lifesaving... or they might be life-changing, like a simple surgery (cleft lip or hernia repair) which [...]


WE MAKE POWER AFFORDABLE. US engineering and solar technology marries years of Eastern Africa field distribution experience. Our service is pay-as-you-go. Before, most low-income households could never afford the high upfront cost of solar systems. But turn the model into an electric utility just like in developed countries? All of a sudden solar is not [...]

6404-914-Nyabugando Baptist Secondary School

Often Christian young people are sent away to boarding school at the secondary level. This project is set up to assist in building and equipping the Baptist Secondary School in Nyabugando. The school is associated with the Nyabugando Baptist Church and provides a Christian education to the leaders of the future. PROBLEM Nyabugando Baptist Church [...]

6404-912-Kiburara Building Fund

We are increasing the size of the Bible college's library. It needs more good books that will help the students. PROBLEM Bible dictionary commentaries and biblical study books are not available in Uganda. Kiburara has a small library, less than 200 books in English. VISION These books will help students have better resources for studying [...]

6404-906-Pastor's Child Education

This project provides the needed funds to sponsor and pay for school fees, enabling children of pastors to attend school. PROBLEM In Uganda the average pastor's family can have eight or more kids. Often more than one of them are in high school at the same time. With the average pastor's salary at $15 a [...]

6404-905-Church Construction

Funds from this project will be used to purchase the corrugated iron sheets for church roofs. VISION Assisting these churches with roofing sheets is a big encouragement since it is difficult for the churches to afford these materials. Established church buildings will also provide a center for more training and outreach within the communities. STRATEGY [...]

6404-904-Pastors Medical Fund

This project will provide funds for pastors in Uganda who need major medical care for themselves and their immediate family. At present, pastors must struggle to come up with the funds or face dire consequences, even death. PROBLEM Rural pastors face major medical challenges every day in Uganda, challenges that could potentially wipe them out [...]

6404-908-Emergency Assistance for Children/Families

Uganda has many needy people, many of whom could improve their situations if given help to meet a critical need. Funds from this project will provide emergency funding to assist individuals during difficult circumstances. PROBLEM Most Ugandans are unable to meet critical needs themselves and whole families suffer as a result. VISION God commands His [...]

6404-901-Leadership Develop

Ugandans are taking key positions of leadership throughout Uganda. Equipping these leaders to serve in the church or disciple other church workers is vital for healthy churches. This project provides funds for Ugandan church leaders training at schools in or outside of the country. PROBLEM There is a need to empower Ugandan leaders to become [...]

6404-923-Bible School Housing

Funds from this project will be used to purchase building supplies for homes. PROBLEM Teachers at the Bible school only earn around $18 per month. They sacrifice because they see the importance of training pastors for Baptist churches in rural Uganda. VISION The homes will be a great encouragement for the faculty of a Bible [...]

6404-924-Bible School Irrigation

Water is life. This project will provide access to water that is much needed at the Western Uganda Baptist Theological College. Students and staff at the college raise their own crops for food. Every two years the area experiences a drought that destroys the crops. Funds from this project will be used to build a [...]

6404-909-Western Uganda Theological Education

Western Uganda Baptist Theological College (WUBTC) at Kiburara is a nationally run two-year residential program that trains men and their wives for the work of the ministry in rural Uganda. The sponsorship of pastors in training will go directly to the school to help cover the actual costs of this training. PROBLEM The school currently [...]

6404-931-Pastor's Kindle Resource Library

Pastors' Kindle Resource Library is an effort to supply pastors who can read English with a resource library of books relevant to the needs of their ministry. All of these books could be placed on a Kindle, a small electronic reader, and managed in a way that would encourage the pastor to read and grow. [...]


The Uganda Wells special project will provide funds to dig 40 wells in Northern Uganda, providing clean water for over 4,000 people. PROBLEM After over 20 years of war, the people must have a source of clean water in order to return to their villages. VISION The project will advance the WorldVenture objective of demonstrating [...]

6404-930-Internship in Discipleship

Create an intensive internship in discipleship for 10 men and 10 women during six months of their nine-month break between high school and further studies. PROBLEM There is a severe lack of moral training, therefore character does not develop along with education, thus there is a lack of integrity. VISION The Uganda field hopes to [...]

6404-918-Education Resources & Building

This project has the broad purpose of lending a helping hand to primary and secondary schools associated with the Baptist Union of Uganda. At the Bwaise Baptist Primary School, approximately 200 students in grades 1 through 7 study in five roughly constructed classrooms with dirt floors that are open to the elements and a dilapidated [...]