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6462-964-Literature Production

This project provides funds to workers in Côte d’Ivoire for the production of Christian literature. PROBLEM There is a huge literacy effort in the north that corresponds to please of a population begging to learn to read and write. VISION Producing literacy material, short runs of Bible sections/books and Christian literature for the church association [...]

6462-904-Nyarafolo OT Translation and Scripture Engagement

The Nyarafolo people received the translation of the Nyarafolo New Testament along with the Old Testament Pentateuch and Psalms in July of 2021. Soon afterward, the audio recording of the New Testament was made available. The Nyarafolo OT Translation and Scripture Engagement project will complete the translation of the remaining Old Testament books while continuing [...]

6462-901-Dignity for West African Girls

We are envisioning community transformation by changing the lives of women and young girls. We want to train and equip individuals and groups of women to increase their capacity in addressing issues women and young girls face in communities these days. Our vision is to see girls and women find their identity, belonging, and purpose [...]

6462-987-CCFF Scholarship Fund

The Christian Center for Girl's Formation scholarship fund is for the vocational school that will equip young women by leading them to a relationship with Jesus. It will also provide them with an occupation that will help them break out of the cycle of poverty. [...]

6462-985-Women's Bible and Leadership Formation at IBB

PROBLEM Two thirds of our church members are women, and in this culture it is difficult for women to confide in men, even their pastor. We need women better educated in God’s Word and mature in their faith who can teach, disciple, counsel and mentor other women. The IBB is our national church association’s main [...]

6462-913-IBB Classroom

A donor has agreed to match all donations for this project. Bethel Bible Institute (IBB) is a four-year Bible school whose sole purpose is to train pastors for the church in Côte d’Ivoire and beyond. It is the primary training institute available to over 300 Baptist churches with whom WorldVenture partners with in Côte d’Ivoire. [...]

6462-910-BEE Manual Production

The De-centralized Program of Biblical Education for the Evangelical Baptist Churches of Côte d’Ivoire (PEDEBE-CI) is a unique training program entirely written in Cebaara, one of the major Senoufo languages of northern Côte d’Ivoire. More than 400 people have been trained through this program. It has also had a significant impact in the development of [...]

6462-977-Girls Christian Vocational School

In response to the needs of the church, parents and young women, the Association of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Côte d’Ivoire established the Girls' Christian Vocational School to provide educational training for young women. PROBLEM A pastor said, "'My people die for lack of knowledge.' We don't want our people to perish just for the [...]

6462-969-CPE Minibus

The Center for Publication of Evangelical literature (CPE) is working hard to develop grass-roots African Christian writers. In the past, most evangelical literature in the French language has been written by expatriates. PROBLEM Many nationals who may have a powerful message for their people need training and encouragement in writing. Those who are part of [...]

6462-967-Compassion Fund

This project will provide humanitarian aid for needy families, primarily believers and especially widows and orphans. PROBLEM Following years of political crisis and the military division of the country, the agriculturally-based economy in the North is depressed. Local churches are unable to pay their pastors adequately, let alone assist those in desperate need. VISION This [...]

6462-963-Cebaara Bible Prin.

This project funds the printing and final costs associated with publishing the Bible in Cebaara. PROBLEM The translation of the Bible in Cebaara is in production and will need to be printed for distribution. VISION When God speaks to the people in their mother tongue, it is with power and worth the many years of [...]

6462-950-CPE Abidjan

The Centre Publication Evangelique, an evangelical publishing house in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, publishes and promotes Christian literature for French-speaking West Africa. This project helps support publishing and literature distribution. PROBLEM In French-speaking West Africa, Christian bookstores are only found in the larger cities, and the number of titles available are limited. VISION The evangelical publishing [...]

6462-945-FBH Prof. Subsidy

The Baptist Hospital in Feressedougou provides health services for the general rural population, which cannot support the salaries of medical professionals. A mission hospital is able to function in an independent financial state and be self-sustaining only due to the fact that the salaries of the professional personnel are subsidized through the support packages of [...]

6462-940-Ferke Baptist Primary School

The Association of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Côte d’Ivoire (AEBECI) recognizes a need for evangelical primary and secondary schools. The AEBECI seeks to meet the educational needs of the Baptist church community and to be an outreach to non-Christian children and their families. PROBLEM Last year the AEBECI started a primary school with a 1st [...]

6462-937-Community Health Torogo

The medical workers in Côte d’Ivoire wish to help people where they are in their homes and villages through health teaching and counseling. PROBLEM The people of Côte d’Ivoire are in need of good physical health as well as the emotional stability and spiritual well-being God desires for each person. VISION The hope is that [...]

6462-935-Hospital Medical Equipment

Renumbered from 6463905 CI/MMT Hospital Medical Equipment. The Baptist Mission Hospital seeks to provide the best medical care possible according to its capabilities. Up-to-date and well-maintained equipment is a necessity in meeting this goal. This project provides funds for the purchase of equipment, including an x-ray machine, operating room equipment, and other medical and lab [...]

6462-934-Hospital Education Fund

Renumbered from 6463904 CI/MMT Hospital Education. This project provides the needed funds for national hospital workers in Cote d'Ivoire to receive further medical training. PROBLEM Our desire is to have dedicated African Christian professionals in leadership roles at the hospital. The competition is so severe in the government training programs that the only way of [...]

6462-933-Baptist Hospital Compassion

In this time of crisis/post-crisis, the people are really hard hit economically and had trouble purchasing even the basic needs of life. Health care, although necessary, is often ignored until the last minute, which only increases prices for restoring ill health. It is hard to distinguish often times between the truly needy and those who [...]

6462-932-Ferke Hospital Fund

Giving to this project is the perfect opportunity to diversify contributions as the money will help many projects associated with the Ferke hospital in Côte d’Ivoire. This project supplements the cost of construction, education and equipment purchases as needed. Money is dispersed based on the urgency of the request. PROBLEM Essential laboratory equipment and a [...]

6462-915-Church Roof

This project provides money to purchase materials to put roofs on church buildings. Church members typically do the bulk of the work clearing the land, making or buying bricks, building walls, making windows and finishing off the building. The roof tends to cost more than what the church can afford. PROBLEM Because of the high [...]

6462-914-Theology Reference Materials

This project puts into the hands of leaders free theological works in French that they could never afford. PROBLEM The cost of the Bible commentary and dictionary we give would each cost a month's salary for the average pastor. VISION A commentary and dictionary helps leaders be doctrinally sound and to feed themselves lifelong with [...]

6462-907-Tee Develop

Theological Education by Extension (TEE) is a program designed to give church lay leaders on-the-job training. During the three-year course, lay leaders learn about the Christian family, the life of Christ, Christian doctrine, and how to witness to nonbelievers. PROBLEM Our residential school, Bethel Bible Institute, graduates 10 every other year. The church is growing [...]

6462-906-Bethel Library

This project provides funds for new resources in the Bethel Institute library in Côte d’Ivoire. The resources will help equip students for their future leadership positions in the church. PROBLEM Students studying to be pastors have a tremendous thirst and motivation to study the Word of God. VISION Students can research Biblical subjects that interest [...]

6462-903-Leadership Develop

The national church leadership is moving ahead with the training of church leaders through the Bethel Bible Institute in Korhogo as well as attempting to continue training through the Senoufo Bible Training by Extension Program. They have instituted, for the first time in many years, a summer training course for pastors, already in leadership, to [...]

6462-908-IBB Professorial Support

Since 1990, Bethel Bible Institute (IBB) has been playing a significant role in the training of Christian laymen, pastors and leaders of the evangelical community in West Africa. The 2007-2008 school year began the 17th year with a student body of 20 full-time students, all of whom intend to serve in churches and outreach in [...]