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6491-906-Americas' Strategic Initiatives

The purpose of this project is to create a source of readily available funds to invest in strategic initiatives that are connected with the Americas Ministries. PROBLEM In light of the under-support that many missionaries live with in the Americas Fields, these funds could help them participate in significant events that they might otherwise be [...]

6491-905-Global Leadership Davis

This project provides needed funds involved in opening new fields of ministry. VISION The objective is to launch new mission work in partnership with Latin workers. STRATEGY Existing WorldVenture workers will travel to new areas to cast a vision for ministry there. CAPACITY Travel costs to Ecuador are $1,600 per person. Travel costs to Latin [...]

Curitiba Mentoring, Coaching Leaders

Discipleship is key to personal and leadership development. Our focus is now heavily on discipleship of new and emerging leaders through relationship building in small groups that focus on specific areas of growth and maturity. [...]

Southeast Asia Trip Gill

We hope to minister as missionaries to 10 Brazilian couples serving in Southeast Asia, equipping leaders & encouraging mission movements. [...]

6408-909-Leadership Training

A special project to help provide financial help in maintaining Biblical based training in Northeastern Brazil for people involved in ministry or training to enter the ministry. The project is to help men and women with needed help either through limited scholarships or books and material that can be used in approved training situations. [...]

Family Retreat

Every four to five years, the Intensive Baptist Theological Seminary (STBI) holds a family retreat for its students and their families in Northern Brazil. Our WorldVenture field uses this retreat to help strengthen the families and to give each worker and his wife tools needed to help other struggling families in their church. [...]